Page 76 of Demon Valley Marked

“Due to Baker having a direct connection with Laura, he can enter Demon Valley no matter if he carries good or evil intentions. However, even with demon blood now circulating through his system, he can’t force you guys into submission until he gets the artifact of the valley,” I announced. “That’s the artifact Alpha is currently protecting because he made the decision to not be the Ruler of Demon Valley anymore.”

“Wait, what?!” That got Felix and Fynn gasping at the sudden news, and everyone—even Laura—seemed speechless.

“W-Why did Alpha Malifer quit?” the little girl questioned with pouting lips. “He’s a good ruler.”

“Well, that’s the thing.” I didn’t hesitate to show my emotions of concern as my eyes trailed across the crowd once more. “Your Alpha feels like he failed all of you. Finding out his father’s plans of getting rid him and using you guys for his war made Malifer feel like he failed his valley. You may not fully grasp how dangerous it is for Baker to have control over us, but think of it this way: We can’t die. We’ll respawn as many times as Alpha allows us. Alpha Malifer has control of letting us live forever with an infinite number of respawn abilities or can bless us to die in which our souls would actually have a chance at meeting our designated creators. If Baker gets control of Demon Valley, guess what? They’ll be no options. We’ll be submissive and all under his ruling. There are no pack ranks or fair play in any of this. We won't be able to fight for survival in our own territory. Alpha Shade wishes to get Baker to take over the valley so they can form an alliance together and overpower the rest of the Hollow City packs, but little does Alpha Shade knows that Baker has other plans and they have nothing to do with being in an alliance with anyone but his own. If Baker claims the artifacts for the valley, he will then use me to be his Luna.”

“He’s not interested in you!” Laura snapped.

“No shit, bitch,” I tossed back. “He needs me because I carry the other half of the valley. He’d use me to force all of you into submission as your lies will now revolve around killing and fighting anyone who opposes us. You’ll all experience multiple deaths. A cycle of deaths that won’t simply wear you down physically, emotionally, or mentally.”

I paused to point to the three men just as Bishop ripped one of the guy’s heads off and began to paw it around like it was a soccer ball. Even though we were all demons, the sight still made all of us stare in disgust.

“See what dying again and again does to you? No reaction. Your bodies are pale and barely have life. Dark cycles so strenuous, the hollow of their eyes can barely hold their actual eyeballs, and guess what? You’ll be forced to fight. Forced to move your bodies that will feel lifeless and heavy, and no matter how many complaints you have or craving to finally die and be stuck in this world forever, you’ll never be able to because Baker wouldn’t give that right to you. You’ll all be puppies on screens, and even with all that suffering, every death will still be felt. All your suffering will give Travis the power, financial stability, and life he’s been aiming for, and none of you will have any choice but to obey until our world fucking ends.”

I hoped my explaiantion was enough for them to envision what was awaiting them if we fucked up.

“This is why I need to find Alpha Malifer and convince him to reclaim his title as ruler. If he doesn’t, Baker will do anything to come and take the open position, and then Demon Valley is screwed.”

“Why… Why would you help us?” the knight dared to ask. “We aren’t deserving of your loyalty or interference.”

“You’re right. You aren’t,” I said it how it was. “But no matter what I’ve gone through, I can’t watch this valley that Alpha Malifer has dedicated five years to be stolen from his grasp and used against the world. Life is an unfair bitch, but there’s only so much that can be done to a person of innocence before enough is enough. I have the power to change things here and now, and I’ve seen what Alpha envisions for this world. The only reason he hasn’t been able to make Demon Valley that and more is because he was missing the other half of that power.”

“You’re saying you’d work together with him to change our circumstances?” the red-haired girl asked which made the little girl suddenly scream in happiness. “Does that mean we get to have more of the pretty flowers on the hill!”

“Pretty flowers?” Colton inquired. “I thought nothing can grow or blossom in our lands. Aside from shadows, no other aspect of life can be created.”

“Until Lady Heartwell entered the valley.”

We all turned to the far left to see Wallas walking over to us.

“Wallas!” I exclaimed in relief as he headed our way with the voodoo fleet. The armored dolls were riding mini shadow horses which was the first time I’ve seen their appearance that reminded me of rocking horses, while Zapser sat on Wallas’s shoulder.

When the Chief Commander reached us, he didn’t hesitate to come and stand on my right side before he bowed his head slightly in greeting.

“It’s good to see you’re awake and well, Lady Heartwell,” Wallas began in greeting. “It seems like Master will need our assistance in a few minutes and we’ll be getting an intruder very shortly.”

Many individuals tensed up at the idea of the valley actually being minutes away from an invasion, but I remained calm as I looked up to Wallas. “Master Gaia predicted it?”

He slowly nodded. “Baker is minutes from launching a few attacks through Hollow City. The distraction is obviously with the intention of him entering the Valley without anyone noticing. He’s going to be using Laura’s energy to invite himself in. If he times it right, he could appear right next to her.”

“Then kill her!” someone suggested and pointed to the woman in question. “If she’s dead, he can’t do shit!”

“Ya! Didn’t she lose her respawn abilities?” another demon brought up.

“She did! She had to as punishment for going against the pack.”

“So kill her!” More demons chorused until it was far too loud for my poor head. I don’t know if it was Lily or me who summoned the gun and pulled the trigger without even turning my head to the victim of the single bullet, but the demons gasped and watched Laura’s body fall to one side, blood flowing from the bullet wound to her head.

“Well, that was easy,” Felix and Fynn declared before they looked to Wallas. “Anyways, does that change things?”

“No,” Wallas stated with a slight smile at how easily the Beta Commanders had acknowledged and moved on with Laura’s obvious murder. “Look for yourself.”

Not a second later, the dead woman gasped and had her hands scrambling at where she’d gotten shot. “Fuck! Ow. Ow. OW! Why am I alive?! Why did I respawn?! This can’t be possible! Alpha Malifer took my respawn rights away.”

“You’re right,” I declared with a sweet smile as she looked up at me in horror. “I gave them back to you.”

“You what?” she gasped in sheer fear, while Colton gasped in understanding.