Page 77 of Demon Valley Marked

“So THAT’S why Voodoo Lex sliced her neck in half and created that collar around her neck!” he declared and literally lost it in laughter. “Holy fucking shit, Lexiboo! That’s fucking brilliant. Oh shit! That’s why Baker needs you after he gets the artifact!”

“Why?” Felix and Fynn questioned as they peered at Colton like he’d actually lost his damn mind.

“Don’t you get it?! It makes fucking sense. You guys were all gathered here because you wanted to see Alpha Malifer, right? Why is that?” Colton dared to ask.

“Because we don’t feel good?” the little girl declared as she raised her hand. “Everything feels weird.”

“Exactly,” Colton declared and walked over to the very girl and knelt down before her. Just like that, the doll puppet was back in his grasp and revealed what I’d already suspected before we arrived.

“You see why this is happening, demon princess? It's because none of us can respawn anymore!” The puppet laughed like it was a hilarious predicament to be in, but everyone was either gawking at the news or completely speechless.

Wallas took that chance to speak the truth, “Like Lady Heartwell has explained to you, Alpha Malifer is currently protecting an artifacts that’s deeply rooted in the valley. It's within a place where only rulers are allowed to enter but is filled with the most dangerous creatures of these worlds. You’ve never seen such creatures, for they are beings that can’t be controlled, even by Alpha with all the power he does carry, and he’s never once wished to put any of you in danger, which is why he went alone.”

I noticed the way Felix and Fynn’s shoulders sank at the realization, and other demons who gave off a powerful stance looked disappointed by the news. Even the knight looked conflicted by the revelation as he stood there in silence.

Wallas put his hands behind his back and lifted his head a little taller as he seemed to peer up at the black sky.

“I’m sure all of us here can agree that we all once wished in our lives as shifters that our Alphas weren’t ruthless savages who saw us as tools to be used and abused. All of us endured what it was like to be discarded when we’ve reached our limit of usability. Even I, a familiar who was cast down to aid one worthy of my power, was discarded by my previous master, for my alternate form is but a disgrace at first sight. I was judged solely on my appearance rather than the ton of wisdom, gathered knowledge, and power I carry within my body,” he confessed. “No matter all of that, Alpha Malifer gave me a chance to take one of the highest positions as Chief Commander, when no one else would spare me the time of day, let alone a position of worth.”

My heart clenched at his words as he looked down before the crowd of demons.

“Alpha Malifer has dealt with a lot of hardship in his existence, which is why this world even exists—a world that is inaccessible to those who seek to repeat the past. They want to use us as tools for their own selfish gambles until we’ve done our purpose and can be discarded on this world that is destined for doom if things continue to go the route they are,” Wallas disclosed. “Which is why, if there was ever a possible chance that this place that was meant to be a haven was compromised, he vowed to sacrifice his rulership and deem you all as mortals so that if death comes your way, you’ll all be given the chance to rise to paradise.”

“Meaning… we can die?” The little girl looked frightened. “I… don’t want to go yet. I like it here.”

“This is your chance to make your choice,” I announced and drew their attention to me. “None of you know me, so it's perfectly fine if my words seem like a waste of your time, but I’m not here with ill intentions. I wish to see Demon Valley prosper. Whether you believe that or not is up to you, which is why I’m offering you this moment to ascend. I’ll happily order Bishop to kill you so it’s quick, or if you wish for me to carry such a burden on my conscience, then I’ll kill you myself.”

I laid out their options so they understood that this was their only chance to leave Demon Valley. I wasn’t confident enough to promise them that I’d come back with Alpha Malifer, but if they held no hope in our actions to bring him back, they could ascend and move forward into the afterlife.

“You’re giving us the chance to leave?” the knight clarified.

“Yes,” I confirmed. “If Malifer wishes to free you from the potential chance of Baker’s ruling, then I’ll gladly kill every single one of you if that is your wish,” I stated with confidence before I tugged at the ribbon around my neck until it came undone and revealed the raw flesh that still sported the deepened wound from that accursed collar.

“What you’re seeing is the collar I wore because I wouldn’t obediently betray Alpha Malifer. This is the collar that I’m sure will be used against all of you if Baker takes control of these lands. I may be free from it, but the weight of its presence still taints me. I still feel the pain it delivered and experience moments of complete vulnerability. I have panic attacks and nightmares, and even confuse reality from those long hours of torment. None of you, no matter your past or present actions, deserve to wear one of these, and the only reason why I bestowed one of similarity to Laura was to reestablish her respawn abilities. Nothing more.”

My honesty was far too blessed for these individuals, but this was my only shot at proving to them that we had hope.

That we could save the valley and encourage Alpha Malifer that we seek only his rulership.

“We’ve wasted enough time, so this is your chance to come forward. If you have absolutely no hope that the valley can become something worthy of your loyalty, come forward so I can set you free, for Demon Valley Pack wasn’t made to be a prison for our tainted kind. Alpha made it so that we could enjoy a world that doesn’t shackle us down for being outcasts, weaklings, or beings of imperfections.”

With those words, the field remained silent as I waited for someone to come forward. The clock continued to tick, second after second, to the point Laura actually huffed.

“You’re all a bunch of cowards,” she snarled. “You really believe this bitch can save you from Baker?! That she can make this valley into some sort of fairy tale that you guys will all love and adore. Heck, this place is nothing but shadows! There’s not a speck of life that proves she even has the power of the valley. She’s just a lying, cunning bitch and y’all are actually standing thre and believing her. Fucking pathetic!”

She tried to get up but strings of white and black swiftly wrapped around her frame, rendering her immobile, even as she struggled against the restraints.

“Let go!” she screamed and looked at Colton who was paying her no mind as he was still kneeling before the little girl with his puppet.

“Do you believe Lady Heartwell can be a good Luna, Demon Princess?” Colton asked the girl. She had to be the youngest one here. Despite her age, I’m sure out of everyone, she’d be the most honest, for children didn’t gain anything by lying in circumstances like these.

“She’s kinder then Laura,” the little girl admitted and looked at the thrashing woman who was still fighting Colton’s strings. “No one ever gave me the choice to decide on anything. Not Mommy. Not Daddy. Not my Alpha or older brother. Everyone said I had to do what I was told or I’d die.” She frowned at her own words and then shrugged. “I did everything they said and still died, but when I came here, Alpha said I can do whatever I want.”

She smiled as if she could see the exact moment when Alpha Malifer said those words.

“Alpha’s good. He wants good for us, but if he only has half his power, how is he going to make everything pretty?” she surprisingly pointed out before her hand lifted and her finger was directed my way. “When she arrived, so did the flowers! If she can make the flowers, that means she can make our valley pretty!”

“What flowers?” the knight requested.