“In his study. A new stone carving arrived that he’s anxious to examine.”
“How exciting.” Lena admired her brother-in-law’s interest in carvings and his ability to decipher them. But she knew he put Norah ahead of both his interest in history and his museum. That was something she admired even more.
“Yes, it is.” Norah smiled with affection. “I can’t wait to hear what he discovers. Now tell me what happened with Renwick.”
“I had tea with his sister yesterday.”
“And His Grace was there?”
“For part of it.”
Norah lifted a brow, clearly eager to hear the part that had upset her.
“First of all, Lady Bernice found some old letters from a privateer who visited Oak Island.”
“How did she come upon those?”
“It seems the man was romantically involved with her great-aunt and wrote to her on several occasions. Lady Bernice found them in an old trunk in the attic.”
“Interesting. What are the chances of that?”
“I thought the same.”
“What do the letters say?” Norah asked.
“Nothing specific, according to Lady Bernice, though I intend to read them closely.”
“You have them?”
Norah’s eyes widened with excitement. “Tell me you brought them.”
“Well, no.” Lena blinked, realizing her error. “I didn’t think to.” That showed just how upset she was about the moment with Renwick.
Norah scowled. “I assume you will rectify that as quickly as possible.”
“Certainly. But back to the issue I came to discuss.”
“Right. His Grumpiness.” Norah stilled. “You weren’t alone with him, were you?” She looked appalled at the thought, which was ironic when Lena knew for a fact that Norah had been alone with Vanbridge numerous times prior to their betrothal.
“Lady Bernice and their aunt were there. But both stepped out of the room for a moment. During which Renwick practically accused me of befriending his sister to get close to him.”
“The nerve.” Her sister’s indignation on her behalf was quite satisfying.
“Can you believe it? The arrogance of the man.” Fresh outrage filled Lena as the memory played through her mind again.
For one breathless moment, she’d thought he intended to kiss her. That moment had filled her with longing, much to her dismay.
Was her outrage because he hadn’t kissed her? Surely not.
She couldn’t bring herself to share the full details with Norah. Not when her sister might realize just how affected she’d been. He’d stood so close that she could see the various shades of brown in his wonderful eyes.
Then there was his cologne, an appealing scent that brought to mind walking in the forest on a rainy day. The thought of it was enough to make her knees weak.
When his gaze had dropped to her lips, it had taken all her will to avoid licking them in preparation for a kiss. How ridiculous was that? She wasn’t even sure if she liked Renwick.
Not that she would be opposed to kissing him.