“Yes, more like that.” Her expression grew somber. “I miss parts of it. The ocean for certain, although it was never peaceful. Still, walking along the shore always seemed to calm me.”
“Were you often upset?”
Her eyes widened in alarm then darted about as if she’d realized what she’d said and regretted it.
“Sometimes I feel restless. Time alone helps.” The smile she gave him didn’t reach her eyes.
He reviewed the conversation in search of the cause for her sudden upset but couldn’t find it. It almost seemed as if she hadn’t wanted to reveal her need for a way to calm herself.
Didn’t everyone have that same need? He certainly did.
“I enjoy riding when I’m upset,” he said, hoping to ease her tension. “Riding in the country is preferable, but a ride in Hyde Park is helpful, as well.”
She nodded, her relief obvious. That only made him wonder all the more. Perhaps he didn’t know Lena as well as he thought. The realization confirmed that he was right to wait to act on his feelings. They both needed time to learn more about each other.
Sterling pushed aside his impatience and told himself there was no rush. Any time spent with Lena was a pleasure. He only hoped she’d soon feel comfortable enough to tell him what caused the reserve that so often came over her expression.
Chapter Twenty-One
The last thingLena wanted to do with so much already on her mind was attend another ball. But Marbury had called that afternoon to advise her that he felt their efforts to shake Ludham and Winslow were working. The news article questioning whether Clarke had truly found anything had appeared the previous day, and he was certain the success of their plan was within reach.
“I ran into Ludham at the Society offices, and he acted strangely,” Marbury had told her. “He seemed preoccupied and rather angry. Quite out of character for the viscount.”
“That’s wonderful news.”
“It could be, yes. I am going to Brooks’s later to help spread the rumor that Clarke isn’t going to be successful. If you have the opportunity to do the same at the ball, we might be able to push them further. But do be careful. There is always the chance that Ludham or Winslow will do something drastic if they think Clarke’s hope of success is dwindling.”
Lena had only to remember what happened to Bernie to realize the danger. This was not a matter to be taken lightly. Since Norah and Vanbridge had another engagement, it was up to Lena to see what she could do at the ball.
Not being able to see Ella was one more reason to force the matter to a conclusion as quickly as possible. Marbury had kept the latest news from his wife and told her that Lena was under the weather and not able to visit. Keeping her distance was painful, but Lena knew her sister would immediately sense something was wrong. Ella’s contractions had slowed but not halted completely. The entire situation couldn’t be over soon enough.
The distance the issue put between her and Sterling continued to bother her. Though they were united in uncovering what it was that Ludham and Winslow were doing, the search on Oak Island remained a barrier between them. She didn’t see how they could move forward—whatever that might mean—until Clarke’s lies were revealed.
There was a chance Sterling wouldn’t be in her future once this was over. He might resent the part she played in revealing Clarke’s deception when all was said and done, despite wanting to end Clarke’s duplicity. The fact that he and Bernie weren’t attending the ball this evening worried her. Bernie’s note had only said that she was tired and intended to stay home, which meant Sterling wouldn’t come either.
“Is all well, my dear?” Lady Havenby asked as they waited in the reception line outside the ballroom.
“Yes, of course.” She managed a smile. “I’m just worried about Ella.”
“As am I. The poor dear. Marbury is being so protective of her.”
“Which looks sweet from where we are but is probably driving Ella crazed.” Lena could well imagine Ella’s frustration.
“So true,” Lady Havenby agreed.
They greeted their hosts. Lady Masterson had always been kind to Lena and her sisters, having been a friend of their mother’s.
“I know I say this every time I see you and your sisters, but you look so much like your mother,” Lady Masterson said after giving Lena a warm hug. “She would be so proud of you three.”
“I hope so.” Though Lena wondered what her mother would think of their current dilemma. She had no doubt Lady Bethany would be as angry with Clarke’s claims as her daughters were.
That was an excellent reminder of how important her efforts were. Lena intended to tell anyone who would listen how ridiculous she thought Clarke’s most recent claim was. Hopefully, that would help place more pressure on Winslow, Ludham, and Clarke to act, revealing whatever scheme they had planned.
“I wanted to ask your thoughts about the new search on Oak Island,” Lord Masterson said. “Do you think Clarke is truly close to finding treasure?”
Lena felt the weight of stares from several interested guests. She paused for dramatic effect. “No, I don’t. In fact, I know he’s digging in the wrong place.” She shook her head, trying to look amused. “I wonder how long it will take before he realizes it?”
“You sound so certain.” Lord Masterson’s eyes narrowed with curiosity. “Why is that?”