She leaned a bit closer as if to tell him something in confidence but didn’t lower her voice. “Let us just say that I have privileged information.”
“Of course, you do.” Lord Masterson nodded. “How interesting.”
Lena smiled knowingly then glanced around only to stiffen at the sight of Viscount Ludham a short distance behind her in the receiving line.
The intensity of his dark gaze caused a hint of fear to skitter down her spine. Had she gone too far? Yet she’d said nearly the same thing to him in Hyde Park. Did the fact that she’d said it in a public setting make a difference?
Lady Havenby touched her arm, bringing her attention back to the moment. “Thank you again for having us,” the lady told the Mastersons.
They continued to the ballroom and paused just inside the doorway.
“Care to share what that was about?” Lady Havenby’s brown eyes held on Lena. “Do you truly know that Clarke is lying about his progress?”
Lena hesitated. She hadn’t seen Lady Havenby since they’d decided to spread news about Clarke’s false claims. Nor did the lady know about Lena’s gift. Though she was a dear friend, she liked to gossip. She was never malicious about it but adored being the one who knew everything first. Lena and her sisters had learned not to share too much with her. However, at times, her propensity to gossip was an advantage.
“We are fairly certain he is.” Lena tried to think of a reason she could give Lady Havenby that didn’t involve her gift and was also true. “You see, Lady Bernice found some old letters in their attic that contain some interesting information. I’ve had the chance to read them myself. While we’d like to spread word that Clarke is wrong, we don’t necessarily want anyone to know about the letters.”
“Of course.” Lady Havenby nodded. “The situation could easily turn dangerous. Treasure hunters can be quite ruthless at times.”
“But it would be remiss of me not to share your opinion of Clarke’s efforts with others.” Her knowing smile caused Lena to laugh.
“Yes, it would,” Lena agreed. “The more who start to question Clarke, the better.”
“I’m pleased to be of assistance.” She glanced over her shoulder. “I do believe I see Lady Dyke. She might be interested in hearing that.”
Lena touched her arm to gain her attention. “Many members of the Royal Geological Society have placed wagers on the outcome. I would hate to see them lose money.”
“Even more reason to help share the news in case her son did. Leave it to me.” Lady Havenby winked then moved several steps away to speak with the other lady.
Lena glanced around to see whom else she could speak with, only to see Ludham nearby again. She looked away, hoping he hadn’t overheard her conversation with Lady Havenby. She didn’t have much time to ponder the concern as Lord Canham arrived and asked for his customary dance.
She managed to work the information into their brief conversation, though the lord didn’t seem particularly interested.
Viscount Worley soon arrived, and she danced with him, too. Marbury had already spoken to him, and Worley was doing his part to further spread their opinion.
Nearly a half hour later, Worley returned to her side. “I do believe you’ve managed to make the topic one that everyone is speculating about this evening.”
“Perfect.” She looked over her shoulder, wanting to be more careful who might overhear her this time. “Ludham was here earlier, but I haven’t seen him since. Have you?”
“Can’t say that I have. Perhaps he didn’t like the talk involving Clarke’s doomed attempt and left.”
Lena hoped so. Time passed slowly after that. She danced several more times and spoke with a few friends, many of whom asked after Ella. She didn’t tell them of the worry over her contractions, but only said she was doing well.
She turned to see where Lady Havenby was, only to find Viscount Ludham standing beside her. Her stomach tightened with distaste as his gaze swept boldly over her.
“Good evening, Miss Wright. Might I have the honor of a dance?”
Though tempted to refuse, she wanted the chance to talk to him further about Clarke.
“Of course.” She glanced at Lady Havenby, who nodded even if her lips pursed in disapproval.
Ludham offered his arm, and Lena forced herself to take it. Unfortunately, the musicians began playing a waltz after they took their place on the dance floor.
As had happened the last few times she’d danced with Ludham, he held her too close and made her worry that he’d step on her toes. Rather than simply leading, he pulled her about as if she were a doll, completely ignoring the rhythm of the music.
She didn’t care for his lack of technique, but this was her chance to push him about the treasure hunt. “Have you placed a wager on Clarke’s success like many other members of the Royal Geological Society?”