Page 65 of If Not for the Duke

Confusion? Yes.

Surprise? Definitely.

Uncertainty? Absolutely.

Especially after that last heated kiss. The one that had nearly buckled her knees. She had no idea what to do about how she felt. How silly when it wasn’t as if she could act on her emotions. There was no possibility of a future with Sterling even if she wanted one. He probably wanted a lady with a wonderful title and a fortune to match as his wife, even if nothing formal had been announced.

The thought depressed her spirits more than she could say. Her feelings for Sterling spiraled between joy and despair. Ella would note them immediately if she wasn’t careful, which was why Lena had kept her distance the past few days.

Not wanting to worry her sister, she smiled brightly.

“Oh, no.” Ella’s eyes rounded with worry. “What has happened?”

“Whatever do you mean?” Lena fought to act nonchalant.

“Just tell me the truth. I’ll only worry more if you don’t.”

“The truth about what?” Lena searched her mind desperately for something to say that her far-too-wise and observant sister might believe.

“Tell me.” Ella sat up straighter. “Is it Clarke? Has he truly discovered the Money Pit?” The dismay in her expression twisted Lena’s heart.

“Good heavens, no.” Lena drew a quick breath to pull herself together. While she had always leaned on Ella in the past, this was not one of those times. She needed to work the situation out for herself. Never mind how much she longed to tell Ella everything—from the latest news about Clarke to what had happened to Bernie to her confused emotions over Sterling.

Instead, she waved a hand in dismissal, holding tight to a smile. “Nothing of the sort. I still don’t think he’ll find anything if he continues to dig where he is now.”

“Then what is it?” Ella reached for Lena’s hand and held it tight. “I’m not an invalid, you know. I’m having a baby.” She smoothed the bump with her other hand. “He’s going to be strong and healthy, so there’s no need to worry about either of us.”

“Yes. Yes, he is.” The familiar sense of knowing crept over her, and Lena believed it beyond a doubt. A strong baby boy. How wonderful.

The knowledge didn’t ease the desire to take care of Ella now. They needed to stay the course and remain vigilant, keeping her protected and sheltered so she could focus on herself and the baby.

Lena wouldn’t tell her about Bernie, nor would she lie about finding proof to prove Clarke a liar. Yet she needed to tell her something to distract her. That left her only one choice.

“It’s not anything to do with Oak Island.” Lena said the words quietly. “It’s ridiculous, really. Nothing can come of it.”

“What?” Ella asked.

“I seem to be…falling for Sterling. For Renwick.” She shook her head, her heart thudding painfully at the admission. “Against my better judgment. See?” She held Ella’s gaze, desperately needing her to agree. “It truly is ridiculous.”

“What is ridiculous about you and Renwick?”

She stared at Ella, surprised by the question. “First of all, he’s a duke.”

“You’re a duke’s granddaughter.”

“One with no title. Besides, marrying a duke would be terrible. All the obligations and expectations.” She shook her head again. “I don’t want any of that.”

“Understandable,” Ella agreed, loosening a knot of worry in the pit of Lena’s stomach.

“Worst of all,” Lena continued, “I think I like him.”

Ella blinked, clearly not following her logic. No surprise when there wasn’t any.

“It’s one thing to feel some sort of physical reaction—” Lena began.

“You mean attraction?”

Lena nodded with reluctance. “I suppose you could call it that. But when you start to like the man, despite his faults…”