Page 66 of If Not for the Duke

Ella laughed and clapped her hands, clearly delighted. “You like him even though you see his faults? You are in deep trouble.”

“Don’t say that.” Lena jerked to her feet to pace across the room and back, trying to ignore the way her heart was pounding. The way her body tingled when he was near. Caring for Sterling would only result in her being hurt. If he discovered her premonitions, he wouldn’t want anything to do with her. “As I said before, I don’t want any of this. And I’m nearly sure he doesn’t either.”

“Nearly?” Ella lifted a brow.

Lena felt her cheeks heat once again. “There has been a moment or two when something that might have been admiration gleamed in his eyes.”

“What color eyes does he have?”

“Brown. Not like coffee. More like melted chocolate. Or perhaps melting chocolate that hasn’t been stirred, with shades of darker and lighter brown.” She sighed only to stiffen at the sound of Ella’s laughter.

“You are sunk, my dear.” Ella grinned. “When you answer a simple question so eloquently, you are truly sunk.”

Lena’s heart lurched to her throat. “No. It’s only attraction. Temporary and fleeting.” She watched Ella, hoping she’d agree. When she did, Lena would know she needed to try harder to keep her distance from Sterling before she became more involved with him. That would keep her from getting hurt.

Ella merely gave her a knowing look. One Lena had received numerous times when Ella knew she was right but chose not to argue. “Time will tell. Besides, what is so wrong with having this ‘attraction’ toward Renwick? He seems more than suitable.”

“He would never have me.” Lena was certain of it. She could barely breathe with the pain the thought brought.

Outrage darkened Ella’s blue eyes. “Why on earth not? You’re perfect. Anyone can see that.”

Her passionate defense made Lena smile. “No, I’m not. I have one huge flaw that Sterling would never be able to overcome.”

“What might that be?”

“My premonitions.” Lena fingered the locket her grandfather had given her, the metal warm between her fingers and offering a bit of comfort. It was a relief to know their grandmother had the same sense if only because it meant Lena wasn’t as odd as she’d always felt. She might be different from most but not all. She hadn’t told either of her sisters about the connection. For now, she wanted to hold the information close like a precious secret.

“Lena, you can’t know how he’d react if you told him.” Her brow puckered with concern. “You haven’t told him, have you?”

“No. But apparently their cook claims to have premonitions at times, and he thinks it nonsense.”

“He only believes that because he hasn’t seen yours.” Ella’s lips twisted, obviously realizing that wouldn’t necessarily change his opinion.

“Eventually, he will. When that time comes, he’ll stare at me with repulsion and distrust. Like so many others.” She met Ella’s gaze. “You know it’s true.”

“I do not. Nor do you. You’re making assumptions, and that is never wise.”

“He doesn’t trust people to begin with.” Lena sank into her chair, wondering if she should’ve shared all of this with Ella when they were trying to keep her from worrying. Surely, it was better that she worry over this rather than the treasure hunt.

“If you decide your feelings for Renwick are steadfast, then you should tell him the truth.”

Lena shivered. She couldn’t imagine doing that. Not when the image of him glaring at her came easily to mind. Trusting others was not one of her strengths, nor was it one of his. How ironic distrustfulness was something they had in common.

Too much was at risk with Sterling. She would prefer he never knew the truth. It would be better if she kept her distance from him and hoped these feelings faded.

With that realization, her emotions plummeted once again.


Sterling scowled ashe waited in Brooks’s early that evening, hoping Viscount Ludham would make an appearance. How could he have allowed the opportunity to question Lena to slip through his grasp? He’d arranged for a moment alone with her and instead, desire had overcome his good sense.

With a sigh, he realized that thinking of her now brought forth passion again. What was it about her that caught his interest? He gave himself a mental shake. Interest was too tame of a word for what he felt. He’d never experienced anything quite like this.

She was not the sort of lady he’d expected to have feelings for. While intelligent, beautiful, and kind, so were several others he could name. He appreciated her spirit, which her claim that Clarke was mistaken revealed in spades. Her gentleness with Bernie was also admirable, and he didn’t think for a moment that Lena only pretended to like Bernie to further any chance with him.

As he pondered the matter, he realized there was no good way to describe the bond he felt with Lena. It was as if they were magnets drawn to each other by a hidden force. The notion was ridiculous, yet he was at a loss to explain it any other way.

Marbury strode across the room, pausing at the sight of Sterling. “Good evening, Renwick.” He gave a brief bow.