Page 93 of If Not for the Duke

Her grandfather had noted her distress when he saw her in the front entrance upon her return home. He’d taken one look at her face, escorted her into his study, and insisted she tell him what happened.

“I-I was at Renwick’s, sharing what Ludham told me last night. That he wants to make Clarke look like a fool.” Lena heaved a shuddering breath. “In the middle of our conversation, I had a premonition that Lady Bernice was in trouble.”

“Did it prove true?” he asked, his expression full of concern, warming the chill around her heart.

“Yes. She was riding in Hyde Park with her groom when Winslow confronted her with a gun and demanded she tell him where the Money Pit was. Luckily, Renwick arrived in time to save her.”

“They’re both unharmed?”

“Yes.” Only her relationship with Sterling was injured. Over before it had hardly begun.

“Did he catch Winslow?”

“Unfortunately, not.”

“It’s concerning to think how desperate Winslow has become. You and your sisters need to take care. We need to advise Marbury and Vanbridge of the situation.”

She’d left that task in his capable hands.

That Sterling didn’t contact her came as no surprise but hurt all the same. She had sent a note to Bernie, expressing hope that she was recovering from her fright. Bernie had sent a polite reply that she was. Lena was disappointed she didn’t mention Sterling. Then again, why would she?

With a sigh, Lena attempted to focus on the embroidery for Ella’s baby’s gown when Norah strode into the drawing room, tossing her reticule and gloves into the nearest chair. “What on earth is going on?”

Lena blinked, realizing too late that she hadn’t prepared what to say when she finally did see her sister. “I thought Grandfather told you.”

Norah sat beside Lena, much to her dismay. Hiding her emotions would be more difficult with Norah so close. “He told us that Winslow threatened Lady Bernice with a gun and that Renwick arrived in the nick of time to save her. But I know there is more to the story. Especially since you seem to be avoiding me.”

“Nothing of the sort,” Lena denied. “I only wanted some time alone.” She hoped that was enough of an excuse to satisfy her sister.

“Lena.” Norah studied her so closely that Lena finally had to look away. “Please tell me what happened. You know I will do my best to help.” Norah reached out to squeeze her hand.

The sympathy in her expression was all it took to bring tears to Lena’s eyes.

Norah leaned forward to hug her. “What is it? I truly will do anything to help.”

Lena returned her embrace even as her tears fell, her emotions getting the best of her. “You can’t. No one can.”

Norah drew back, her expression filled with alarm. “Tell me.”

“I was at Renwick House, telling Sterling what Ludham had told me. That he had only been aiding Winslow with the sole purpose of seeing Clarke fail.” She swallowed hard. “And then I had a feeling.” She sniffed and wiped away a tear, reminding herself that she had done the right thing. That didn’t stop her tears. “I realized Bernie was in danger and told him. I’m so glad I had the premonition and he arrived to save her.”

“Oh, Lena.” The fact that Norah understood her upset was both comforting and discouraging. Her reaction confirmed Lena’s fear. That the moment had marked the end of her association with Sterling and Bernie.

“I am so sorry,” Norah said. “I know it’s of little comfort, but it was bound to happen sooner or later. Better that he find out now before…” Her voice trailed off as if uncertain how to continue.

Lena didn’t know either. All she knew was that her heart ached for what might have been. She had no idea if Sterling had felt the same. Now, she would never know.

“Did you explain everything?” Norah asked.

“In part. Enough to make him realize this wasn’t a one-time occurrence. It’s silly of me to be so upset when nothing could have come of our relationship anyway.”

At that, Norah stiffened, a look of outrage on her face. “How do you mean? Ella and I had high hopes that the two of you were coming to an understanding. He would be lucky to have you in his life. What difference does it make if you have an extra sense?

Lena managed a smile at her sister’s fierce defense of her. “You know it’s not that simple. I can’t always hide it. What if something happened while we were with others?”

“The same thing that happens now. We find a way to explain it.”

Lena shook her head. “The bigger problem is that Sterling is slow to trust others. Just when he was beginning to trust me, this happened. He even asked if I was working with Ludham and Winslow.”