“Yes, she’s told me that as well. But it’s not completely true.”
Lena smiled, a genuine one that eased some of his tension. “She doesn’t want you to worry.”
“Is that what she told you?” He couldn’t resist running a finger along the length of her jaw, the smooth skin threatening to distract him from his purpose.
Her eyes darkened at his touch, but still she answered his question. “Yes. I do think she’s feeling better but not quite herself.”
He nodded. “That is what I thought. As long as her headaches aren’t worsening.”
“I don’t believe they are. In my experience, she should feel back to her normal self in another day or two.” She licked her lips and desire stirred.
“And you? How are you feeling after what happened?”
“I’m only worried about Bernie. And you.” She met his gaze. “It must be quite distressing to know someone broke into your home, let alone attacked your sister.”
“It is.” Despite the seriousness of the topic, he could only think of the woman standing before him.
Those lush lips drew him in an inexplicable way. He had to have another taste of her. Time was of the essence. Foster would return any moment with her servants. Who knew when this chance would come again?
He cupped her cheek and took her lips with his, his thoughts falling away at the contact. She settled him, giving him an anchor. He wanted more of her and tested the seam of her lips, delighted when she opened for him, allowing him to deepen the kiss. His tongue swept along hers, her scent swamping his senses.
Rather than assuaging his need, he only wanted more. He grasped her narrow waist with both hands to pull her against his length. She rested her gloved hands on his chest, the pressure feeling wonderful despite the layers between them.
Need, hot and heavy, pulsed through him, pulling him under until he couldn’t think—could only feel. She tasted sweet. Perfect, in fact. Like an elixir he couldn’t resist.
The faint murmur of voices in the corridor penetrated his mind. He broke the kiss, jerking back to stare into her blue eyes—the color of the sky on a spring morning—with no small measure of surprise. Or perhaps it was shock. Whatever this was between them was unique. Special and unsettling. Certainly not easily dismissed.
And he had no idea what to do about it.
Chapter Seventeen
The following afternoon,Lena bent to kiss Ella’s offered cheek, pleased to see her sister looking so well. The delicate bloom of good health lit her face and her eyes sparkled with happiness.
“It seems there’s no need for me to ask how you’re feeling.” Lena smiled as she sat in the chair beside Ella’s bed, relieved to see improvement. “Bed rest is obviously suiting you.”
Ella gave her a brief mock glare before allowing a smile, her hands settling on the ever-increasing swell of her middle. “Do not say that out loud. And whatever you do, do not tell Leo.”
“I’m sworn to secrecy,” Lena said with a laugh. “Fewer contractions this week?”
“Yes. The doctor is pleased with my progress but wants me to continue resting for a while longer before he decides if I can return to normal activities.”
“I’m pleased to hear that.” So pleased that she didn’t want to mention recent events. She had no doubt that Marbury knew about the break-in at Renwick House since he was well acquainted with Sterling. Whether he’d told Ella of the situation seemed doubtful. Lena had no intention of being the one to do so.
“Worley is to return today. Leo is meeting him at the dock.”
“That’s wonderful. He’s been gone so long.”
Viscount Worley was a long-time friend of Marbury’s, who’d become a dear friend to Lena and her sisters, as well. His expeditions to places all over the world were frequent and always exciting to hear about. He’d made another exploration trip to South America, where he’d found a previously unknown site. His letters to them had been filled with stories of his adventures, from the snakes and spiders he’d seen to an ancient temple he’d uncovered.
“I hope we can see him soon.”
“I have no doubt you will.” Ella studied her closely. “You haven’t come to visit for several days. Norah said you’ve been busy but didn’t share with what.”
“Just a few social engagements that took more time than I expected.” She leaned forward to squeeze Ella’s hand, not wanting her to think she didn’t care. “Norah and I don’t want to overwhelm you with our visits, so we thought it best to spread them out.” Would Ella believe the rather lame excuse?
Lena didn’t want to tell her of her lack of success in finding proof that Clarke was digging in the wrong place. That was the true reason she hadn’t called, along with Bernie’s injury and her upset over her growing feelings for Sterling.
Upset might not be the right word.