“As soon as I have something to report.” He moved to hold her waist. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Stepping out here to meet me.”

Her heartbeat sped at his intent expression. “I have been thinking about you,” she whispered.

“And you’ve been in my thoughts.” His gaze dropped to her lips and her breath caught. Then his hands tightened on her waist, and he drew her against his hard length, sending desire spiraling through her.

Unable to wait another moment, Norah raised on her toes and pressed her lips to his. His mouth was warm and perfect. Just enough mastery to make her knees weak. While kissing him was still a new and exciting experience, she trusted him to act with honor. To not press her for more than she was willing to give.

But she was willing to give him so much more.

Their kiss deepened as their tongues swept against one another. He shifted to wrap his arms tightly around her and liquid heat poured through her.

A sound penetrated the fog of her brain and, apparently, Simon’s as well, because he jerked back to look at the terrace doors. “I should let you go before you’re missed.”

No don’t, she wanted to plead but held back. He was right. “Will you come in?”

“I don’t think so.”

Disappointment swept through her. Yet his answer was a reminder of one of their differences. Would those keep them apart?

She didn’t want to change him or force him to endure social events when he didn’t enjoy them. But neither could she see herself remaining home day after day and night after night. That had driven her crazy on Oak Island.

“What is it?” he asked, trailing a finger along her cheek.

She forced a smile. “Nothing.” That concern was for another day. It wasn’t as if he’d suggested they consider a future together. She needed to enjoy the moment and allow events—and feelings—to unfold.

Holding tight to the thought, she kissed him briefly, then drew back. “Thank you for coming to see me, Simon. Be careful.”

He nodded, then eased into the shadows while she moved to the terrace door and stepped inside. A quick glance around suggested no one had noticed her absence.

Yet as she stood there watching the crowd, she realized the evening had lost its luster. Her enjoyment of the ball had left with Simon.

“Oh, dear,” she murmured. She was falling in love with him.

Chapter Twenty-Two

The following morning,Simon arrived at the museum before anyone else. He quickly checked the storage room, and the crates were still there, along with a single item in each of them. Relieved they hadn’t been moved, he hurried up the stairs to his office and unlocked it.

While at the museum the previous day, he had managed to copy the information on Stockton’s ledger page during the few times the director stepped away from his desk. Simon retrieved it from his pocket and sat at his desk to study the list. This wasn’t so different than the stone carvings he enjoyed deciphering. It took time to find a pattern, but if he persisted, it often revealed itself.

Soon sounds could be heard in the rest of the building, suggesting employees had arrived to open the museum. Stockton tapped on the door Simon had left ajar.

“Good morning, my lord.” He bowed, then adjusted his spectacles, seeming surprised to find Simon already there. “What brings you by the museum so early?”

“I wanted to have a closer look at the new artifacts for the Incan exhibit.” He already knew the items had been taken to the exhibit area with the exception of the ones in the crates but was anxious to see Stockton’s reaction to his request. Simon normally designed the bigger exhibits while the director handled adding artifacts to existing displays.

“Oh?” Was it Simon’s imagination or did dismay tighten the man’s features?

“Is that a problem?” Simon asked.

“Not at all. Whenever you’re ready.”

Simon rose from his desk. “No time like the present.” Speaking with Norah the previous evening had done more to clear his mind than all the thinking he’d done on his own, and he was eager to move forward with his life.

Though he might not be ready to label his feelings for her, he couldn’t deny them. Their heated kiss made him long for more. He’d even been tempted to attend the ball to prolong their time together.