He had woken this morning filled with purpose and determined to take action. He wanted the mystery solved and the artifacts returned. But he couldn’t take steps until this situation was resolved.

If Stockton was the one stealing, he wanted to know now. He leveled the director a hard look as he moved toward the door, causing the man to take a step back. The man frowned, seeming confused before turning toward the stairs with Simon directly behind him.

“Do you have something specific in mind for the exhibit?” Stockton asked.

“Vaguely. It will help to see all the artifacts together first.”

“Of course.” Stockton hurried down the stairs as if time was of the utmost importance, something out of character for the man.

Good, thought Simon. The more he made Stockton nervous, the better. He’d be more likely to take a misstep. That might be all that was needed to provide the evidence he sought.

Stockton led the way to where the Incan exhibit would be placed. A large canvas curtain kept the area from the public’s view. He drew back the canvas and held it aside for Simon to enter.

Simon studied the items, which ranged from clay pots to statues to pipes. “Weren’t there others?”

“I think this is all.”

“No. I’m certain some things are missing.” Simon made a show of looking over the items, picking up several to examine before setting them down. He turned to face Stockton with a brow raised.

“Hmm.” Stockton adjusted his spectacles again. “I will check to see what the inventory list noted.”

“I’ll wait.” Simon folded his arms over his chest to suggest his patience was limited. He wasn’t about to let the director avoid his question.

“Very well.” Stockton’s mustache didn’t hide his scowl. He was obviously displeased with Simon’s demand. Especially since he so rarely demanded anything. “I will retrieve the inventory list from my office and then check the storage room.”

Once the man left, Simon counted the pieces again. The ledger page had noted fifteen but only thirteen were here. Would Stockton return with the two items from the crates? Simon’s hopes rose that he would know in the coming minutes whether the man was guilty. Unable to wait, he ventured down to the next floor toward the storage room.

He greeted the employees he passed, then paused in the doorway of the storage room to peer inside.

Stockton muttered to himself as he checked the numbers stamped on the crates before looking inside. The first one he looked through was empty, and he set it aside to look through another.

The director’s search had Simon reconsidering his suspicions. He acted as if he were looking in the crates for the first time. Simon’s breath caught as he picked up one of the crates that still held an artifact. He dug around in the straw and pulled out the artifact to stare at it in disbelief. “What on earth?”

Simon drew back from the doorway as he collected his thoughts, sifting through what he’d witnessed. It almost seemed as if Stockton was surprised by his discovery. Did that mean he was innocent?

With a sigh of frustration, Simon entered the room. “Find anything?”

“Yes, my lord. It seems whoever unpacked the crates failed to see these items in the very bottom. My apologies.”

“Isn’t there an inventory list so we know what should’ve been shipped?”

“Yes.” Stockton gave him an almost sheepish look. “In truth, I was given a report that noted two items missing and was undecided what to do about it. I should’ve come down here to look myself.”

“Mistakes happen. Please advise the staff to take more care.” Simon’s stomach tightened at the realization that he had the wrong man.

He’d been so certain Stockton was guilty when the man’s only crime was that he was a rather inept director. Disappointment swept through him. While pleased to eliminate Stockton as a suspect, Simon was at a loss as to who else to pursue.

“Of course, my lord.” Stockton carefully unpacked the small statues and held them aloft. “I’d forgotten how exciting it is to open these treasures.”

Simon walked forward for a closer look. “Those are interesting. Let’s take them upstairs with the other artifacts, and I’ll share what I’m thinking for the new display.”

They started up the stairs only to see Emerson rushing toward them. “My lord. Mr. Stockton. I have terrible news.”

“What is it?” Simon asked.

“The Tumbaga Gold statue is missing.”

Simon stilled in surprise with Stockton behind him. “Are you certain?”