“Thank you, but I think it best to avoid that based on past events.”

Her lips twisted in disappointment, which made him long to kiss her again.

“I have also learned that Lord Stanwick has an impressive coin collection. He’s not a member of the Society, but it might be worth speaking with him. As it happens, he and his wife are hosting a ball tomorrow evening. If you attend, I’m certain it would be possible to speak with him about it.”

“Another ball?” Simon frowned as he considered the disaster of the last one. “Is that truly necessary?”

“Attending might provide the opportunity for him to introduce you to any of his friends who also collect coins.” Norah’s enthusiasm was impossible to ignore. Not that he could ignore anything about her presence.

How could he focus on the reasons he wanted to refuse when her appearance was so distracting?

“Wouldn’t it be best if we simply called on him at another time? He’ll be busy with guests at the ball.”

“Perhaps, but we could also speak with other guests about the stolen coin. While we’ve spoken with most of those who attended the unveiling, that hasn’t helped. It’s time to expand our efforts.”

He couldn’t disagree. Not when he had nothing to show for his own inquiries. Still, he dreaded attending when his skills in dealing with people weren’t good enough to navigate the nuances of conversations at such events.

But when he looked at Norah, there was only one answer he could offer. “Very well.”

Her delighted smile eased the reluctance that swept through him and elevated his spirits. He feared he’d grant her anything if pressed.

“Perfect. We will meet there and decide who are our primary targets.”

“Primary targets?” She made the evening sound like a military operation rather than a social event.

“Of course.” She gave a single nod. “Some people are more helpful than others, wouldn’t you agree?”

“True.” Even he, who spent so little time with people, understood her point.

“We shall start with Lord Stanwick. No doubt he can offer the names of additional collectors.” She raised a brow. “Will you keep me apprised of anything interesting that comes from my list?”

“Certainly, but it will take time to visit them all.” He would do anything to find the coin, no matter how long it took.

“Which is why my sisters and I would be happy to assist with the process.” She smiled as if she’d shared excellent news.

“No, thank you.”

Her crestfallen expression nearly had him changing his answer. He pressed his lips tight to keep from doing so.

“We will take the utmost care. There would be all three of us plus a maid. Nothing will happen.”

“So, you admit the mission is dangerous.” He clasped his hands on his desk and leaned forward. “Very dangerous. Thieves are unscrupulous characters.”

“I am aware of that. That is the reason we would take precautions.”

“The answer is still no.”


He held up a hand. “I can’t believe Marbury would agree that it’s a good idea.”

She hesitated, which confirmed his thoughts. “I only—”

“Norah.” He held her gaze, wanting her to truly understand. “While I appreciate your assistance in creating the list, I cannot abide the thought of anything happening to you or your sisters.”

“That seems unlikely when there would be four of us visiting the shops.”

“I know for a fact not all are fine establishments. Some are in the rougher areas of the city. While you’re relatively new to London, I cannot believe you aren’t aware of that.”