She sat back in her chair with a huff. “I only want to help.”

“You already have.” Yet he could see that wasn’t enough. “I’m certain there are more coin dealers than the ones you provided. I wonder how we could find them.”

Norah latched onto his remark like a fish biting a baited hook. “I am happy to continue my research to locate any others.”

“That would save me considerable time. Thank you.” She still looked rather disgruntled, so he added, “I know progress is slow, but Marbury and Worley are aiding us, too.”

The thought brought a wash of emotion that tightened his chest. He’d never had this sort of support. Not since his parents had died. Though he told himself this was only temporary, part of him wished otherwise.

“I appreciate your efforts. Truly.” Norah lowered her gaze. “I didn’t expect immediate results, but it’s still difficult to wait. Especially when I can imagine the coin moving farther away. Possibly forever out of reach.”

“I think it’s more likely that whoever took it is holding it until talk dies down. If we don’t allow that to happen for some time, perhaps the thief will grow impatient and do something reckless.”

Norah met his gaze once again, slowly nodding. “That makes sense.” She straightened. “It also means that you attending the ball is all the more important.”

Only too late, he realized he’d justified her request that he attend the ball. Then again, he would agree with nearly any of her suggestions. “Yes, I suppose it does.”

“Excellent.” She rose, her reticule in hand. “I look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening.” With a sparkle in her eyes, she leaned close. “If time permits, I should very much like another dance.”

He studied her in surprise as he stood. “Truly?” He would’ve thought she would rather avoid dancing with him after their last experience.

“Absolutely.” She walked around the corner of his desk to stand before him.

His entire body shifted into high alert. He told himself to keep his hands at his sides. The two servants who accompanied her everywhere were right outside the open door, even if he couldn’t see them. Now was not the time to indulge himself.

Then her skirts brushed his legs as she took another step nearer. His skin prickled, much like if she’d reached out and touched him.

“I can’t remember enjoying a dance more.” Her whispered words had his gaze dropping to her lips.

“I enjoyed it as well.” At least until Ludham had ruined it. That could easily happen again, but how could he worry over that when Norah stood before him now? She was a bright promise of all the good in the world. Was it so wrong that he wanted to reach out and hold her?

As if of their own accord, his hands cupped her elbows. The contact anchored him in an unexpected way. The brown plume in her clever hat trembled slightly. Perhaps she was just as affected as him. That made her even more appealing. Irresistible, in fact.

He took her mouth with his, absorbing the wave of desire that washed over him and sent his heart thundering. Then he eased back. “I look forward to our dance.”

“As do I.” With a smile, she dipped into a brief curtsy and left, taking all the air in the room with her.

Tomorrow evening couldn’t come soon enough.

Chapter Thirteen

Norah told herselfnot to watch the ballroom entrance this time. Simon hadn’t indicated when he’d arrive and staring at the doorway wouldn’t make him appear. Yet there she stood barely able to pull away her gaze.

“Looking for Vanbridge?” Lena asked as she joined her. Lady Havenby was nearby, visiting with several friends. Ella and Marbury were on the opposite side of the room, having just finished a dance.

“Not at all.”

Lena raised a brow, bringing heat to Norah’s cheeks and making it obvious she didn’t believe her. There was no purpose in trying to deceive Lena. Her sister seemed to have an additional sense at times that allowed her to see more than others. She hid it when possible, knowing she was different. Different was rarely welcome. She tended to guard her reaction carefully, sometimes even with her sisters.

“I admit that I expect him soon,” Norah relented. “Remember, we plan on speaking with Lord Stanwick about his coin collection.” Hopefully, that would be enough to keep Lena from pressing her about her feelings for Simon.

“I was surprised when Lady Havenby told us he had one, since he’s reputed to have an impressive painting collection.”

Norah followed Lena’s gaze to where the lord stood with a few other guests. “We’re hoping he knows of other collectors as well,” Norah added.

“Do you think one of them actually has the coin?” Lena’s brow furrowed and sent Norah’s spirits sinking. She was already anxious about Simon’s late arrival, and Lena’s doubt didn’t help.

“No, but we are continuing to spread the word to keep whoever has it from selling it. If one of them is approached about buying the coin, they’ll advise us.”