“Unfortunately, no. I understand from your grandfather that you and your sisters are planning to speak with some of the other guests who were in attendance that evening.”

“Yes, though we have yet to attend any functions to do so.” She gestured toward the couch and they both sat. “I am happy to mention the theft to others and ask if they noticed anything out of the ordinary.”

Concern darkened his eyes, and his lips were pressed tight. He looked tired, making her wonder if he’d been sleeping as poorly as she had.

“Thank you. I appreciate that. Marbury and I have started the same process with some of the members of the Society whom we’ve encountered as well.”

“None of the museum staff were helpful?” she asked.

“Nothing they’re willing to say.”

“Not even Mr. Stockton?”

“No.” He frowned. “To be honest, he was a primary suspect as far as I was concerned, though I can’t imagine what his motivation would be if he took the coin. However, he has already told me where he was during the time we think it was stolen.”

“I’m relieved I’m not the only one who wondered about him,” Norah admitted with a smile.

“I have only been concerned of late. He used to be much more reliable and effective.” He shook his head, suggesting he was puzzled by the change. “At any rate, I would appreciate you advising me if you learn anything.”

“Of course. Will you be attending any functions?”

He stilled as if appalled by the idea, his gaze holding on her in disbelief.

“It’s only that it could be awkward if you don’t,” Norah said gently. “People will surely want to know how you’re dealing with the problem. I don’t want them to avoid the museum because of this.”

“The museum will survive.”

“But will your reputation as an expert?”

“It’s kind of you to worry over that, given the circumstances.” His jaw clenched, a muscle bulging along its length. “I have endured worse.”

“I don’t want you to endure any of it.” She reached out to touch his arm, wishing she could comfort him. He looked so alone in this moment. So distant. He seemed to be holding himself apart with the hope doing so would offer protection. “If you joined us, we could show our support and faith in you.”

He raised a brow. “It’s hard to believe you don’t have some doubt as to my abilities given recent events.”

“Not at all. My sisters and I have discussed it and have nothing but respect and admiration for you.” Perhaps she was overstating her sisters’ opinions, but that was how she felt.

He blinked in surprise as his gaze held on her. “But you don’t know me.”

“I like to think I do.” Her cheeks heated, much to her dismay, as she thought of their kiss. “I very much admire your museum. Since you’re the one behind it, there’s much to admire about you as well.” She forced a polite smile even as she wondered what on earth she was saying. It was just that she didn’t want him to think she had designs on him. Talking about the museum was easier. Less unsettling. “I also think we came to know each other a little over the past two weeks.”

Why couldn’t she stop talking? The more she explained, the hotter her face became. More tingles ran over her skin. If only he weren’t so attractive. All that quiet reserve was maddening. Why couldn’t he be arrogant and annoying like so many of the gentlemen she’d met since her arrival in London?

He watched her for a moment as if he were processing what she’d said. Then his slow smile arrived, starting with a light in his eyes, then moving to curve his lips. Did he have any idea how alluring that was?

“I like to think so.” He placed his hand over the top of hers, which still rested on his arm. The warmth of his skin against hers caught her breath, even as it seeped slowly into her, like wine soaking into a tablecloth. Then his gaze fell to her lips. Perhaps he was thinking about their kiss, too.

Norah risked a glance at Dorothy, who still stood in the doorway, but realized the maid’s view of their touch was blocked by Simon’s back. Knowing their contact was illicit somehow made it even more appealing, much like their kiss behind the curtain at the museum. Surely, it was the fact that this interaction was forbidden that made it so pleasing.

Something in the pit of her stomach suggested that wasn’t quite true. There was a connection between her and Simon she couldn’t easily dismiss, no matter how much she wanted to.

She didn’t want to be attracted to him or any man. Not when she had so many things she wanted to experience before she strapped herself down with marriage. The thought had her jerking her hand from his arm. If only she could break the tether that bound them as easily.

Dorothy frowned, suggesting Norah’s behavior concerned her.

Norah managed a smile, hoping to put the maid at ease, well aware she had overreacted. Chances were Simon didn’t feel any of the complex emotions running through her.

He watched her, the warmth in his eyes cooling.