“Now then, the Underwood Ball is tomorrow evening,” Norah began in an effort to bring their attention back to the topic. “Many of the guests from the unveiling will more than likely be there. I’m certain we can arrange for you to be sent an invitation. Can you attend?”


Simon tugged athis silk tie as he stared into the mirror, feeling as if it were strangling him.

“My lord, we don’t have another to spare,” Miles said in a dry tone. “You’ve already ruined two.”

“It doesn’t seem as if it should be cutting off my air supply,” Simon retorted even as he forced himself to drop his hands. “Are you sure this is right?”

“Without a doubt.” Miles brushed the shoulder of the new black wool suit coat. “It fits you perfectly.”

Simon moved his arms back and forth. “Then why does it feel so tight?”

“You’re not going to be boxing in it. Just dancing.”

“I’m not dancing this evening.” The very idea had Simon’s breath hitching as panic threatened.

“It’s a ball, my lord. While I have never attended one, I do believe dancing is expected.” Miles met his gaze in the mirror. “Surely you were taught how.”

“That was a long time ago.”

“There are some things we never forget how to do. I am certain the steps will come to you when you hear the music.”

Simon’s stomach pitched once again. Still, he studied his reflection in the mirror, wanting to be certain he would fit in with the other gentlemen in attendance. Would his appearance please Norah? “I should’ve had my hair clipped.”

“I believe I mentioned that several days ago.”

“I should listen to you more often, Miles.”

“May I remind you of that when needed?” The valet’s smirk had Simon smiling in return.

“No, you may not.” Simon turned away from the mirror, realizing he would never be satisfied with his appearance. In his mind, he remained the small boy with a too-thin frame and grief-stricken eyes. He shrugged his shoulders in an attempt to dispel the memory. He wasn’t that child anymore.

“You look as you should, my lord,” Miles said as he eyed him critically one last time. “Very much the marquess.”

The valet seemed to have become aware of several of Simon’s insecurities, including the fact that he didn’t feel as if he should’ve inherited.

“Thank you.” Simon appreciated the compliment and the man’s support. He frowned as he pondered his dancing abilities, only to shove aside the concern. Regardless of what Miles said, the point of attending the ball was to discuss the stolen coin with others. He needn’t worry about dancing. Never mind how appealing the idea of holding Norah in his arms was.

With a deep breath to steady his nerves, he strode toward the door, hoping the evening passed quickly and that someone could shed light on the missing coin.

Chapter Eight

Norah tapped hertoe in time to the music at the Underwood Ball where she waited near the ballroom entrance with the hope of seeing Simon’s arrival. Or should she say if? She was beginning to wonder if he’d come. Given his reluctant agreement to her suggestion of attending, she wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t.

But she would be disappointed.

“Why are you hovering near the entrance?” Lena asked as she joined her. “I thought you were looking forward to dancing this evening.”

“I was. Or rather, I am.” Yet the idea of dancing with anyone other than Simon was less than appealing. Silly when she didn’t even know if he would dance with her. Norah attempted to shove her unsettled feelings aside as she looked at her sister. “You look particularly lovely this evening.”

Lena’s gown was a deep pink silk with a tight-fitting bodice that reached the top of her thighs, making her look slender and even taller. The long overskirt with white lace trim was drawn into a bustle in the back and draped in layers that showed the white ruffled underskirt. Several of her blonde strands were braided and twisted with long curls left to trail onto her back.

“Why, thank you. I do believe this is my new favorite.”

Norah glanced down at her green gown with its ecru lace, wondering if she should’ve worn something fancier. However, it was too late now to worry about such things.

“I expected Vanbridge to arrive by now.” Norah heaved a disappointed sigh. The ball had lost its appeal.