And it was.


Four Months Later…

Simon paced hisbedroom, robe flapping against his bare legs. He had never been more nervous in his entire life. This was his wedding night, when he would at last make Norah his.

But he hadn’t told her the truth—that he was inexperienced with intimacy. What if he did something wrong and ruined everything?

Of course, he’d done some research on the subject, but the descriptions he’d found made for awkward reading. The dry words didn’t begin to describe the desire he felt when he was with Norah. They’d had several passionate encounters that convinced him how much he wanted to make love with her. But he also wanted it to be perfect.

If only he knew how to do that.

She’d looked so beautiful in a white silk wedding gown this morning with a rosebud tucked into her hair beneath her veil. The brief ceremony had been perfect with her grandfather looking on, along with her sisters, Marbury, Worley, and other friends. They’d had a wedding breakfast at the duke’s residence with everyone in fine spirits. He knew she worried about Lena being left with their grandfather, but Lena had teased that she was looking forward to having some peace and quiet for a change. That had eased Norah’s concern, along with Ella’s promise to visit Lena and their grandfather often in the coming days.

The museum was doing well after reopening, and Emerson had proved to be an excellent choice as the new director. Stockton had chosen to move to America after offering evidence against Evans, who’d been forced to close his own museum, as he was standing trial for his actions.

Fletcher and the rest of the staff had been beside themselves with excitement that Simon and Norah had married and greeted the new marchioness with enthusiasm when they’d arrived after the breakfast. Norah had made certain extra cake was prepared for them so they could help celebrate the happy day.

Simon continued his pacing, realizing he wasn’t even certain how much time he should give Norah to prepare for bed. He walked to the connecting door and listened. Nothing but silence reached him. Surely that meant the maid had departed and Norah waited for him.

With equal measures of anticipation and worry, he tapped on the door, then opened it and stepped inside.

The room was filled with candlelight and the warm glow of the fire. Several vases of flowers were set about the room, lending a sweet fragrance to the air. But it was the woman who stood before the fire in a nearly sheer white gown who captured his attention.

His nerves fell away when she turned to face him with a smile. “I was beginning to think I needed to come and get you.”

“My apologies.” He took her warm hands in his. “I didn’t know how much time you might need to prepare.”

His gaze swept over the plunging neckline that left a swath of pale skin visible. The curves of her breasts were clearly visible and caused his mouth to go dry. The tips of her breasts pressed against the taut fabric and suddenly, his knees threatened to buckle, even as his manhood stiffened.

“You are beautiful, Norah.”

Her genuine smile suggested he’d said the right thing. Hopefully his luck would hold, and he’d alsodothe right thing.

He trailed a finger along the soft skin of her cheek, then touched a long strand of her unbound hair that nearly reached her waist. “I love you, my marchioness. Forever and always.”

“Perfect.” She reached up to place her hands on his neck, her body pressing against his. “Because I love you, dear husband.” She bit her bottom lip, and his cock stiffened even more. “May I share a secret?”

“Of course.” His breathing became more labored, even though he wasn’t doing a thing except holding her narrow waist. The heat of her body was nearly as compelling as the rest of her.

“I cannot wait a moment longer to make love with you.” She lifted to kiss him, her tongue seeking entrance as her soft curves moved against him.

He wrapped his arms around her, taking the lead in this erotic dance they shared. He cupped her bottom to lift her against his stiffness. Her soft gasp of pleasure reassured him that he was on the proper path.

“Nor can I.” He released her bottom and eased back to move a finger slowly up from the flare of her hip to the dip of her waist. After a moment’s hesitation, he continued upward to the tip of her breast to draw lazy circles around it.

“Simon.” She braced a hand against his chest as if unable to keep her balance.

Excellent, he thought. That was exactly how he felt. He wouldn’t trade the feeling for the world. Eager to continue his exploration, he drew aside the deep neckline to reveal her breast with its pink tip and touched it with a finger, fascinated to see it tighten in response. Just like his own body did.


“Yes?” Her voice was breathless and barely above a whisper. She tipped her head back, seeming to thoroughly enjoy his touch.

“I, too, have a confession to make.”
