“I would guess he didn’t see it that way.”

“How do you mean?”

“He surely thought of it as a way to provide for his family. To prove to your mother that she made the right choice when she left her life to be with him.”

Norah considered that. “You may be right. I told Lena about his final day. How we argued that morning.”


“She seems to think that our argument wouldn’t have pushed him to do anything out of the ordinary. Perhaps she’s right. She’d heard my parents argue about Father’s fixation with looking for the treasure in the past. If those discussions didn’t cause him to act foolhardily, an argument with me probably wouldn’t either.”

“I would agree. I’m pleased to think you’re coming to peace with that.” Simon came to an abrupt halt, and Norah nearly stepped on his foot.

She looked past his shoulder to see Viscount Ludham behind him with a smirk on his face and an embarrassed lady standing nearby. “Vanbridge, when will you learn to dance?”

“Ludham.” Simon’s eyes narrowed as he turned to glare at the man. “You are the one who bumped into me.”

“Impossible,” he argued, his words slurring slightly, suggesting he was the worse for drink. “I am an excellent dancer. You should stay in that dusty old museum of yours where you belong.” He looked at Norah, his gaze raking over her, making her long to look down to see if she was properly covered. “I’m certain Miss Wright would prefer you did.”

“Actually, the lady and I are enjoying our dance,” Simon countered with an edge to his tone. “Mind your own business, Ludham.”

“Or what?” The viscount stepped closer, his chest thrust forward.

The dancers nearby had stopped, as well, and watched with interest.

“Or I’ll be forced to remind you what good manners are.” Simon straightened his shoulders, clearly not intimidated by the taller man. “Apologize to the lady for bumping into us.” He gestured toward Norah.

“You must be jesting.” Ludham frowned, suggesting he was unable to believe Simon wasn’t rushing away.

“Care to join me outside so we can settle this?” Simon raised a brow, daring him to agree.

“Do take care, Ludham,” Norah said with a smile at Simon. “He disarmed someone with a gun a few hours ago. Vanbridge is no one with whom to trifle.” She knew Simon would prefer not to share the details, but she couldn’t resist given the circumstances.

“A gun? Truly?” The viscount’s incredulous expression was nearly comical.

“Absolutely.” Norah took Simon’s arm. “He’s a pugilist, you know, in addition to being an excellent dance partner. The marquess has skills beyond yours in many, many areas.”

Only too late did she realize how her last statement could be interpreted even as Simon chuckled. Heat filled her cheeks, but she didn’t correct her words. Simon was indeed excellent at kissing. She had no doubt he would be equally as skilled at other aspects of married life. In fact, she could hardly wait to find out.

“Beg your pardon,” Ludham muttered, seeming to take Norah’s warning to heart.

Simon turned to face her, the heat in his gaze scorching. “Do excuse us, Ludham. We have a dance to finish.” Then he drew her into his arms and returned to dancing without missing a beat.

Norah couldn’t resist one last glance at Ludham, who stared after them while his dance partner stalked off the floor.

“Well done, my lord,” Norah said to Simon. “It’s past time someone put that man in his place.”

“Happy to be of service.” Then he eased her a little closer as they continued around the floor.

The feel of his arms around her as they twirled to the music made all else drop away until the waltz ended. She curtsied as he bowed, then he offered his arm to escort her from the floor.

“I think you’ll be pleased to hear that Emerson has agreed to become the director of the museum.”

“You’re keeping it open?” Norah was thrilled. “Oh, that’s wonderful news. He will be perfect in the position.”

Simon nodded as he guided her out the open doors onto the terrace. Lamps provided warm pools of light, but he moved toward the shadows. “I’m hoping you will allow me one more kiss before we part for the evening.”

“A kiss from the marquess, the man I love?” Norah placed her hands on his chest as he drew her close. “That would be delightful.”