“Thank you for the dance.” She nodded as he left her with Lady Havenby. Lena had finished dancing, also, and stood nearby with friends.

“Whatever is wrong?” Lady Havenby asked in a whisper. “Your dour expression will turn away any gentlemen who might wish to dance. If you’re so unsettled after what you and Lena endured, perhaps you should return home.”

The lady had seemed both shocked and fascinated by their tale, hardly able to believe that the once reclusive Marquess of Vanbridge had been threatened with a weapon earlier and engaged in a brawl to save them all.

“Yes, I believe I should.” Norah was nothing if not relieved at the suggestion. All she could think about was Simon. She considered explaining her feelings for him but wanted to hold the secret close to her heart for a little while longer.

“Truly?” Lady Havenby looked terribly disappointed.

“I’m sorry. My thoughts are elsewhere. I’m just not myself after this evening’s events.” Perhaps she should tell her how she felt about Simon. “You see, someone has caught my affections,” she began.

“Oh, my.” Lady Havenby stared at something over Norah’s shoulder.

Awareness swept over Norah, sending tingles along her skin. She gasped, then slowly turned, hoping beyond hope that who she thought might be there would be.

And he was.

“Simon.” He looked so handsome in his formal evening attire that her heart threatened to leap from her chest.

“Good evening.” He bowed, his gaze taking in Lady Havenby.

“Our hero has arrived.” The lady beamed brightly as if she had always thought of Simon as one.

Simon only blinked before shifting his attention to Norah. “Forgive me for being late. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity for a dance.”

“Yes, please.” Norah couldn’t extend her hand fast enough.

He took it, tucking it into the crook of his elbow with care.

Lady Havenby clapped her gloved hands in delight. “I believe I understand now the true reason for your distraction. Enjoy your dance.”

“I can’t believe you came.” Norah felt as if she floated at his side, her happiness complete. “Is all well?”

“Yes. I’ll visit with the police again in the morning. But after you left, I could only think of you.” They waited as the dancers cleared the floor. “It seemed ridiculous to be home when I could be here.” He turned to face her, his warm green eyes holding on her. “With you.”

Norah drew a long, slow breath as her heart filled with love. “That is exactly how I was feeling. And now here you are. I can hardly believe it.”

“I am the luckiest man in all of London.” He led her onto the dance floor as a waltz began.

She stared into his eyes as they circled the floor, moving in time to the music, certain she’d never been so happy before this moment.

“I’m so proud of you, Simon.”

“For what?”

“You solved the problem of the thefts. Despite all the odds against you, you persevered.”

“Only just. I quit, if you remember.”

“A temporary setback.”

“Because of you. The thought of never seeing you again was inconceivable.”

“It’s how we react to what life hands us that matters. Since your parents’ deaths, you have overcome one hurtle after another. You are an amazing man.” She smiled at the uncomfortable look on his face. “I have been thinking about your uncle and his obsession.”


“My father had an obsession, as well. With the treasure on Oak Island. He placed its importance above his family’s.”