Simon blew outa relieved breath when the police hauled away Evans and Stockton a short while after Norah and Lena departed. He knew there would be more questions come morning, but they could wait.

“Thank you, Emerson, for everything.” He reached to shake the man’s hand.

“I only wish I could’ve done more, my lord.” Emerson scowled as he shared a look with Miles. “I’m appalled we didn’t see through Stockton’s ruse and got locked in the pantry. He told us he knew where the missing artifacts were and, in my excitement, I walked into his trap.”

“As did I.” Miles was also clearly disgruntled.

“He played tricks on us all,” Simon said. “Though there is something I would like you to consider doing.”

“Anything at all, my lord.” Emerson’s easy agreement reassured Simon he was doing the right thing.

“Would you consider taking the position of director of the museum?”

Emerson’s mouth fell agape. “Truly?” He blinked several times. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes,” Simon suggested with a smile. “I need someone I can trust to oversee things, make certain the artifacts are safe, and that the visitors enjoy viewing them.”

“Yes.” Emerson beamed. “The pleasure would be mine. You won’t regret this, my lord.”

“I’m sure I won’t. Shall we meet here in the morning to see about cleaning up the mess and putting exhibits back together?”

“I look forward to the challenge.” He shook Simon’s hand once again, then Miles’s. “I wouldn’t have wanted to share that interlude with anyone else, sir,” he told the valet.

“You are a fine gentleman, Emerson,” Miles said with a bow. “I look forward to seeing you again soon.”

Emerson grinned, then turned to Simon. “Are you sure there’s nothing else you’d like done tonight, my lord?”

“Go home and get some rest. We’ll have a busy day tomorrow.”

Emerson bowed and departed.

Simon clapped Miles’s shoulder. “I’m sorry you were in danger.”

“There was no danger for me. Only embarrassment,” Miles insisted. “I knew you would deal with whatever Stockton and Evans did with success. You’ve been training for months.”

“The boxing?” Simon considered that as he locked the front door behind them. “I suppose it’s true. Then again, Miss Wright’s footman was of great assistance.”

Miles shook his head. “You would’ve done well enough without his help. That much I know for certain.”

“Thank you for your faith in me, Miles. I appreciate it.” The two men walked to the nearest cab stand in silence, an idea coming to Simon. “I realize the hour is late, but I wonder if you would assist me with something.”

“Of course, my lord.”

Simon grinned. “There’s no time to be lost.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

Later that evening,Norah finished a dance with Lord Crampton and dipped into a curtsy before taking his arm to be escorted back to Lady Havenby. The lady had insisted Norah and Lena stay at the ball for a time so she could make certain they were both well.

Norah thought it was so that they’d be on hand to answer any questions she thought of about their earlier excitement. Lady Havenby adored being the first to know—and share—gossip tidbits. The sisters had asked her not to tell others for a time but knew she wouldn’t be able to hold her silence for long.

Time slowed to a crawl for Norah. She wanted the evening over and done. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough with Simon’s visit to look forward to.

“A pleasure as always to dance with you, Miss Wright.” Crampton, a gentleman a few years older than she, with a round face and pale hair, studied her as they neared Lady Havenby. “You seem especially quiet this evening. I hope all is well?”

“My apologies for being such poor company.” She forced a smile, not knowing what else to say. That she only wanted to dance with Simon? That she didn’t feel like speaking with anyone except him? While true, she didn’t want to be rude. Crampton was a nice enough gentleman. He just wasn’t Simon.

“You’re never that,” the lord assured her.