He pressed kisses along her jaw, then down her neck, and her entire body came alive. She tangled her fingers in the waves of his hair along his collar. It was softer than she imagined. She moved her hands to explore the breadth of his shoulders, easily able to feel the contoured muscles and appreciate his boxing practice all the more.

“Simon?” she whispered as she tilted her head to give him better access to her neck.


“You are very talented at kissing.”

His gaze met hers, and the slow smile that lit his eyes and then curved his lips melted her completely. What could she do but kiss him again?

She poured all her feelings into it, hoping he felt even a portion of what she did. This man was special and a threat to her plan for the coming years. However, now wasn’t the time to worry about such things. This chance might not come along again. How could it be wrong to enjoy it?

“Are you here alone?” Simon asked between kisses.

“No.” The reminder of Dorothy and James waiting in the entrance hall was like a splash of cold water. If she didn’t emerge soon, one of them would surely come looking for her.

“Damn.” His whispered response made her smile as she eased back.

“I should go.” Whether she was telling him or herself, she didn’t know.

“Yes, you should.” He released his hold and she rose.

To her surprise, he also stood, then kissed her one more time. Her heart squeezed at his gentleness. Lady Milner might think him odd and eccentric, but Norah thought him wonderful.

Only as she departed in the carriage did she realize she hadn’t shared her idea for assisting with the search. She supposed that meant she would have to meet with Simon again soon. The thought made her smile.


Simon timed hisvisit to the museum the following afternoon so he arrived fifteen minutes prior to closing. That should give him long enough to visit with Emerson before he left for the day. Since following him had resulted in little information, the time had come for direct conversation. A few well-worded questions might gain Simon more insight than simple observation.

He flexed his hands, pleased with how much better they felt after Norah’s tender care. His improved spirits were a direct result of her visit and their kisses. His feelings for her were growing deeper than he expected. Yet he couldn’t deny the pleasure her company provided. She was a bright spot of sunshine in his cloudy life. He couldn’t bring himself to turn away from that or her.

Simon nodded at the employee who sold tickets just inside the front door and proceeded upstairs. Rather than going directly to the offices, he turned and walked through several exhibits, hoping to find Emerson. Though Simon wasn’t involved with the day-to-day operations, he thought Emerson gave tours and answered visitors’ questions, as well as tidying the exhibits and making certain all was in order.

The realization that Simon didn’t know for certain what the man’s duties were only made him more aware of how distant he was from the running of the museum. Perhaps too distant.

While he’d hired Stockton so he wouldn’t have to deal with those things because he preferred to spend time on his own research, he realized that at the very least, he needed better communication with those he employed.

Several people were still wandering through the displays, which made Simon smile. He had Norah to thank for the continued increase in visitors. Apparently, word of the theft hadn’t spread far as of yet.

He spotted Emerson speaking with a few of the guests who stood before a replica of a Pre-Columbian Olmec colossal head and paused nearby but out of sight to hear what Emerson said.

“It may surprise you to learn that these civilizations had permanent settlements and were often engaged in agricultural activities. As evidenced by this statue, they were skilled craftsmen and many of their buildings were significant in size.”

Simon nodded in approval. Too often, tour guides either delved too deeply into the artifacts and lost the attention of those who only wanted to spend a few hours looking at something interesting, or they said too little and failed to capture the visitors’ curiosity.

While much of the information was noted on cards and posters so visitors could read as much or as little as they liked, hearing someone speak while looking at the exhibits often had the best results. Visitors learned something new. That had been Simon’s intent when he’d started the museum. Few people had the opportunity to explore other cultures. He wanted the exhibits to be both entertaining and informative. He liked to think his father would’ve approved of what he’d built.

After asking a few additional questions, the visitors moved on, leaving Emerson alone.

“Good evening,” Simon said as he approached.

Emerson’s eyes went wide. “Good evening, my lord. I didn’t see you there.”

“I happened to hear some of what you shared with the visitors. Well done.”

“Thank you.” Emerson’s pleased smile made Simon glad he’d complimented the younger man. “I enjoy sharing history with visitors, especially about the pre-Columbian exhibit.”

Simon studied the large stone head replica, which stood as tall as he was. “That must’ve been an intriguing time period in which to live.” Though he’d had a chance to buy an actual statue, he thought it important for most items to remain with the country of origin. In fact, he’d had copies created of some of his uncle’s pieces and returned the originals to museums closer to where the artifacts had been found.