“My valet.”

“Is he an expert in boxing?”

“He was in the infantry for years and is talented at many physical activities. My hands should toughen after a time, but I might have overdone it with my last session.”

“Indeed, you did.” Norah looked up as the butler appeared in the doorway. “We are in need of some ointment and bandages to wrap his lordship’s hands, please.”

“That is not necessary,” Simon said, only to scowl when Norah waved for him to remain quiet.

“Quickly, if you please,” she told Fletcher. He nodded, bowed, and backed out of the door again, much to her amusement. “Does he do that if he comes all the way to your desk?”

“I’ve convinced him to turn around and walk out for those occasions.” Simon shook his head, seemingly resigned to the man’s antics.

In short order, the butler reappeared with the items she requested. “Mrs. Fletcher insists her ointment is sure to have his lordship healed by this time tomorrow.”

“Excellent.” Norah doubted the timeframe, based on the state of Simon’s knuckles, but anything would help. “Thank you.”

The butler departed, and Norah opened the tin of ointment to smell it, relieved it didn’t have the terrible odor some did. “I detect a hint of rose water.”

“Are you suggesting I’ll smell like a girl?” Simon asked with a lopsided smile.

She much preferred his smile over the frown he’d worn earlier. “Only slightly. If someone remarks on it, be sure to tell them your injuries are from boxing. That should silence them.”

He chuckled as she dabbed ointment on the cracks. The sun shone through the windows, giving her plenty of light in which to work. The quiet of the study and his faint, appealing scent settled around her. His skin was warm, and she felt her own body heat as awareness seeped into her.

The situation was highly inappropriate. She could too well imagine what Ella would have to say if she found out. But how could Norah not help with this small task? Her maid and footman weren’t far, and the door to the study was ajar. Yet their presence did nothing to lessen the flutters in her middle. Holding his warm, callused hand in hers filled her with an unexpected longing. What might those fingers feel like trailing over her bare skin?

Silently berating herself for her wandering thoughts, Norah focused on the task. She released his hand to wind the linen strips over his knuckles a few times, then tucked the tail under a strip. “There. Hopefully that won’t be in the way. The ointment needs to stay in place for the remainder of the day so it can do some good. Preferably overnight.”

“I’m impressed by your nursing skills.” He examined the bandage while she worked on his other hand. “Where did you learn such things?”

“Injuries were common in my father’s line of work. Whichever one of us was available tended his wounds. We’re all fairly adept at giving aid.”

“Norah, your numerous talents amaze me.”

She smiled as she secured the bandage on his other hand. “I hardly think this requires skill.”

Then she made a terrible mistake.

She looked into those green eyes, fascinated by the gold flecks visible in their depths. His lashes were ridiculously long for a man. His brows were dark slashes, so masculine in appearance. Almost as if of its own accord, her gaze dropped to his lips, remembering all too well how they felt pressed against hers.

She desperately wanted to kiss him again. “Simon?”

“Yes?” His answer was hardly more than a whisper, as if he were gripped by the same tension as her.

She hesitated, also remembering that she’d been the one to ask him to kiss her the first time. Did that mean he hadn’t enjoyed their kiss? The idea had her frowning.

Then he placed his bandaged hands on her waist and drew her closer. And closer still, until she stood against his knees. To her shock, he pulled her down onto his lap. Her breath caught in her throat as her body pulsed in rhythm with her heartbeat. His gaze held on her lips, that focus incredibly appealing.

What could she do but lean closer with the hope he’d take the hint?

Then he kissed her with enough mastery to send desire through her in a hot rush. Like he couldn’t get enough of her. His lips were firm against hers and so warm. The hardness of his muscled thighs was evident through the layers that separated them. Her emotions spiraled as passion took a firm hold.

He eased back and then nibbled before his tongue pressed along the seam of her lips. She opened her mouth to allow him entrance. The invasion was both shocking and lovely, creating a whole new set of feelings coiling inside her.

His hand squeezed her waist, and her breasts tingled in response. For a man who didn’t get out much, he was alarmingly good at kissing.

She vaguely wondered if he studied techniques, much like he studied carvings in rocks and the like. Or perhaps it was the boxing that had provided an additional level of focus. Whatever it was, she was grateful for it.