“Cam, have you ever taken suppressants?” I ask him.
He blinks and wipes his tears away. “It’s been a long time.”
“You might want to talk to your doctor about it. If I’m right and not being bonded is what’s making you feel this way, maybe going on low grade for a little while might help.”
Emmett is stroking his back and Cameron sighs. “I’ll call my doctor and see what he thinks.”
“Good boy. Now let’s get dressed and stop sitting around like a bunch of lovesick puppies.”
That makes Cameron and Emmett smile.
I’m taking back control.
Omega privilege is a seriously real thing. I was able to get a next day appointment at the clinic nearest to Shyla’s house. I’m bobbing my knee up and down as Shyla places her manicured hand on top of my knee.
“It will be okay, I promise.”
“Cameron Davers,” the receptionist calls.
“HIPAA Violation,” I hear Shyla mumble underneath her breath, but she stands and follows me to the back room. Emmett is currently out shopping for Kelsey’s surprise.
The nurse directs me to step on the scale. She takes my blood pressure and temperature. Then leads us to an empty exam room. “Doctor Gwynn will be here shortly,” she says before leaving the exam room.
“What if they won’t give me suppressants?” I ask Shyla.
“How long were you ever on them?”
“Probably a total of six months.” I’ve always had partners for my heat. Unbonded partners. The thought stings right through my heart. None of them wanted to bond with me. They should want that desperately, right?
Shyla steps toward me, her heels clicking on the linoleum. She looks stunning. I thought she looked beautiful with her hair looking like a rat’s nest in an old t-shirt in the morning. But when Shyla wears a pantsuit and her hair is half up and half down, she steals the room.
“No more negative thoughts,” she says quietly, and I nod my head. I can’t help myself when my head nuzzles against her palm.
There’s a light knock on the door as the doctor enters. I shift my weight on the crinkly paper as he smiles at me.
“Cameron, I’m Doctor Gwynn. What brings you in today?”
I look over at Shyla, begging her to take over. But she doesn’t and I sigh.
“I’m having some issues with sharing in the pack I’m trying to build. I was wondering if suppressants might help tamper down the jealousy and possessiveness.” I say it so fast it’s a wonder he catches it all.
“You’re twenty four and unbound?” he says, looking over my paperwork.
“Yes, and um.. there’s another Omega in my pack.”
“Are they on suppressants?” he asks.
“She was, but she’s no longer taking them.”
He taps his pen against his chin in thought. “Multiple Omegas in packs can be tough. They tend to hormonally lean into one another. Heats tend to get synchronized over time and it takes a great deal of effort to make those packs work. Being unbonded adds another complexity to the mix. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the holdup?”
I know he doesn’t mean it rudely. He’s my doctor and just needs all the facts.
“It was always my dream to bond all at the same time. Like an even playing field.”
He nods his head in understanding.
“We can try a low grade suppressant and see if it helps tamper down some of the possessiveness. But in my opinion, things will only truly become easier for you when your body isn’t demanding a bond from you.”