Page 83 of Too Tempting

I sigh and nod my head.

“So you truly think being unbound is the reason I feel this way? I love and care for all these people. I don’t know why I have such a hard time seeing them together.”

He stands and touches my shoulder. Shyla glares at him, and he nods and removes it. “Omegas are genetically programmed to reproduce and bond. I don’t have to tell you that twenty-four is late in the game to be bound. I don’t agree with it, but it seems like your hormones want you to bond with these people. When you see them with each other, your first response is that you are lacking something. I believe when you are bonded, most of this jealousy will go away. Have you shared before?”

“I have. It’s been awhile, and it was nowhere near this bad.”

“I’ll prescribe low grade suppressants. You can pick them up at the pharmacy downstairs. Please set up a follow-up appointment with reception for two weeks from now so we can see your progress.”

I sigh and nod. “Thank you.”

He leaves the room and Shyla embraces me in a tight hug. “You did great. Plus, I still have an idea that might help.”

“You going to tell me what this idea is?”

“Oh, sweet boy, waiting is half the fun.”

I smile, and she leans over and gives me a kiss. I place my hand in hers as we leave the doctor’s office and head to Kelsey’s house. We’re planning the best luau welcome party her heart could imagine. Dom said they were driving home tonight and I hope that she will hear me out and forgive me for what I said. I’m trying to be better for everyone and coming to the doctor is the first step. If she wants therapy, groveling, servitude, I don’t care. I’ll do whatever she wants.

Chapter 30

“Pleasetellmeyou’redrawing Grayson as the Kraken dragging me down into the depths to ravish me,” Liv says as she leans over me on the couch looking over the iPad.

I fucking love this crazy girl and it doesn’t hurt that she has an amazing imagination and a ton of money to pay me to make her thoughts come to life.

“No, this is the one you wanted of Dean as a mob boss and you his little pet.”

“Oh,” she coos as she pulls the iPad out of my hands. “His knot is bigger than this. And he has a freckle right here on his thigh.” She points out those two discrepancies and I laugh.

“I’m really not sure how I’m supposed to look at your pack the same ever again,” I reply.

“Do you want to show me the nasty art you made of that fine piece of man meat in the guest room?” I blush. No one knows about the folder I have filled with my pack members. I wonder if they would be upset knowing that I’ve drawn them naked and in a million unique positions.

“I don’t think he would appreciate that.”

“I knew you drew him!” She points at me and smiles. “How big is his knot? I’m guessing huge? Grayson’s massive. Don’t tell River or Dean, but it makes me feel special. I’m the only one who can take it.”

I squeak and look down at the iPad. “I haven’t really seen it.”


“Well, see, I’ve kinda seen it, but I haven’t really touched it or felt it.”

“But I thought you were in this web of a crazy love pack situation.”

“He’s the only one I haven’t been with.”

Liv clicks her tongue. “Making the one who made you wait the longest. Trust me, I know that game.” She grins and I know she’s plotting something. “You’re both here. Why not go climb him like a tree and take what you want?”

“It’s such a fucking mess, Liv.” I sigh and put my head on her shoulder. “Do you guys get jealous in your pack?”

“Sure, I mean we’ve been together a while now, so it’s not as bad. It also doesn’t hurt that I’m the only Omega. I’m the neediest in the bunch. But the most important thing is to learn to communicate when you need time with one of your partners or when you need time on your own.”

I sniffle. I feel like an emotional mess lately. I wish I could keep it together. “My Omega said that it hurts him. That he wishes he didn’t meet me.”

“Oh, love,” Liv says, petting my hair. “Give him time to explain. If anyone can figure it out, it’s you.”

I wipe my tears. “Thanks, Liv.” She strokes my hair one more time.” Now go find that big Alpha of yours.” I nod my head and just as I’m about to get up, Dom and Cami come strolling toward the door.