Page 21 of Too Tempting

“Who’s that asshole?” Emmett asks next to me, and I look up to Dom who’s glaring at the fence.

It only takes Dom a few strides to reach the fence.

“Hey, Leonard, why don’t you mind your own fucking business?”

Emmett groans next to me. “He’s hot,” he says, and both Cameron and I nod our heads.

“Oh, great. Your ugly ass is back at the Smith’s house. Didn’t I have to see your ugly ass enough when you were growing up?”

“Oh shit,” Cameron says next to me. We all watch as a feral smile stretches over Dom’s face.

“That’s right, Leonard, but I’m a big boy now. And Barb and Doug don’t own this house anymore. It’s Kelsey’s house now. So I suggest you learn to get over it, go into your house and shut the hell up.”

“I think the pool is now half of my slick.” I groan and Cameron and Emmett make the same noise. Dom walks back over to us by the pool. He groans as he takes in our scents and bends over to his haunches.

“I didn’t think you would be getting my Omega drunk,” he says, arching an eyebrow at Cameron, who blushes.

“To be fair, it’s all of us,” I reply. “Do you want to join us?” I say with a little too much hope,maybe.

“I’m tired. I’m going to fix this wall and we’ll get going.”

I shrug and turn in the pool to face Emmett and take my drink back in my hand.

“So, who is the old guy next door?” Emmett asks. I appreciate him changing the subject and my awkward rejection.

“Leonard. He’s lived here as long as we have. Hated my parents, hates me. Calls the HOA on me all the time. He’s an all around grumpy bastard.”

“Dom putting him in his place was something else,” Emmett says while taking a drink.

“I know.” I sigh.

“You should ask him out,” Cameron says, and I turn and gape at him.

“What?” I ask.

“He won’t do it himself, if you want to date him you’ll have to ask him yourself.”

“But you’re his Omega.”

“Is there a rule you can only have one? Plus, I was kind of hoping you might ask me out on this date too,” he says. I notice immediately that he isn’t usually this bold, and that took a lot of courage for him to ask. Well, to ask me to ask him on a date.

“Cameron, would you like to go on a date with me?”

“Can it be at your house?” he asks.

“Sure, I can cook,” I say, knowing damn well I’m shit at cooking.

“I’d love to,” he replies.

I turn and look at Emmett and he grins at me. “Are you okay with me going on other dates?” I ask Emmett. I don’t want to fuck things up with him and Shyla.

“Oh, sugar. I got plans of my own. Go ask that hot as fuck Alpha inside if he wants to go on a date. I’d say if you’re dripping wet in your bikini, there’s no way he will say no.” He kisses the side of my head and looks at Cameron. “I’m just hoping we can all have a date together soon?”

“I’d like that,” Cameron says before me. I wonder if Cameron is in a constant state of horniness like I am. All I want to do is make this pool my own personal fuck puddle and drag all of these men into the depths and have my way with them.

“Whatever you’re thinking about, use that to get your date,” Emmett says, laughing. I smile at him and take his advice. Not bothering to grab a towel. I track water throughout the house and pout slightly when I realize I’m the one that’s going to have to clean it all up.

I’m ready to be the seductress that I hype myself up to be, when the puddle I’m creating fucks it all up and I go tumbling to the floor. The pain hits my ass and elbow first. As my body collides with the harsh, cold tile.