Page 20 of Too Tempting

Kelsey wraps her arms around Emmett and I can’t help but feel jealous. I just don’t know which one’s arms I would want wrapped around me.

“We just met, Emmett,” she says as he spins her in the water, her large breasts floating above the surface. They are extremely distracting.

“Don’t need to know someone long to know when something feels right, sugar.”

“Hmm, and here Robin tells me to stop romanticizing things.”

“Who’s Robin?” I ask.

“My therapist,” she says confidently. I nod my head. Maybe she can give me her card. I know I need to talk to someone.

“Well, you can tell Robin that Shyla and I haven’t stopped thinking about you. And dangling a hot Alpha and Omega in my face isn’t very nice,” Emmett tells her and he gives me a wink. Damn, the flirting coming from both of them is too much. I’m loving the attention more than I thought I would. It’s different when it’s not coming from Dom. These people barely know me, but seem to like me. Something about the lightness of their presence puts me at ease. Maybe it’s the margaritas, but maybe it’s something else.

“Who wants another one?” Kelsey asks. Emmett raises his hand, and I shake my head no. She gets out of the pool. Water droplets drip down her skin, and her bathing suit bottoms are slightly up her ass. I watch with too much attention as she picks the wedgie and goes over to the tiki bar to make more drinks for Emmett and me. She turns up the music, the small speaker blazing a song I don’t know. She shakes her ass and sings to herself as she mixes the drinks.

It takes a few moments of Emmett and I staring at her before he turns his attention to me. “You know, we were being completely honest earlier. You are very beautiful.”

“Thanks, you’re not so bad yourself.”

He dunks himself under the water, wetting his hair and flipping it back. “So you and Dom, you’re both wanting a pack?”

“We’ve been talking about wanting a pack, but, um, I’m not the most social,” I say, feeling shy.

He gives me a lopsided smile. “I think shy can be cute,” he says. Someone drown me, I can’t handle this man’s attention.

“Most Alphas want an Omega they can show off, and I’m not that.”

He holds up his pointer finger. “One, I’m not an Alpha.” He holds up his middle finger. “Neither is Kelsey.” He puts up his thumb now. “Your Alpha certainly didn’t seem to mind.” Lastly, he holds up his ring finger. “My Alpha definitely isn’t the type to parade around. She’s the type to take care of what’s hers.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. “That sounds too good to be true,” I say.

Emmett is close now, so fucking close I swear I can feel his body heat. “Could be something worth looking into,” he says.

“We just met. How would you know you and your Alpha would be interested?”

He grins, his hand on my hip. Fuck, that feels nice. Dom was great at pursuing me, but this feels different.

He looks over to Kelsey before looking back at me. “First and foremost, I plan on making Kelsey mine. It’s clear she has a thing for your Alpha and after today, it’s clear she has a crush on you.” He smiles at me, his grip on my hip a little tighter. “I’m patient, get to know me. Join our little orphan club. If you aren’t interested, I’ll accept that. But I’ll make it clear now.” He leans in to whisper in my ear. “I’m definitely interested.”

Kelsey walks back into the pool, holding a drink for Emmett and herself. She smiles as she notices our closeness.

“Here you go,” she says, handing the drink to Emmett. I watch as he pulls her in and places a passionate, hot kiss on her lips. Her chest pressed against his. She looks nearly breathless and limp against his touch. I wonder if I would feel the same way.

“Thanks, sugar,” he says. Their lips parting, Kelsey’s finger tips graze her lips and she smiles before taking a sip of her drink.

A clearing of a throat breaks the moment as we look behind us to see Dom standing there, he looks pissed.

Chapter 8

“Oh,hi,Dom,”Isay, waving my hand out of the water.

He looks down at us like we’re his naughty children. I would like to be his naughty something else. And don’t get me started on Cameron. He’s shy in that way that makes me want to pull back all of those layers and get to know the real him. He’s so handsome and I’ve never quite been attracted to a male Omega’s scent the way I feel to his.

“I gotta say, Dom, I feel like you’ve been hiding Cameron away from me. We’re gonna be best friends. Isn’t that right, Cameron?”

Cameron smiles at me. I feel bad for giving him so many margaritas, but it really did seem to loosen him up. “That’s right, summer of orphanism,” he says. All three of us start cackling like morons in the pool, the noise unfortunately summoning my arch nemesis.

“Can you keep it down over there, Christ’s sake. Some of us live here for the peace and fucking quiet.”