Page 5 of 10 Commandments

The moment I step into the holding room, I do a double take. Ten men are waiting for me.

And if that isn’t bad enough, these are five sets of identical twins.

I’m seeing double, five times over.

I mean, I know I said I needed guys, but this is crazy.

“Oh, wow! I don’t know whether to laugh or be shocked.” My voice cracks in the middle of the sentence. Shit. I hope they don’t think less about me running Scarlet.

“I put out the ad for twins as a joke…I didn’t really think?well, do come in.” I open the door to my office and gesture at them to follow me inside.

The security guard that brought the men back seems a little confused as well. He’s leaning back against the wall, shaking his head.

Once we’re inside, the first two step forward. I’m trying hard not to let my mouth gape open as both men walk closer.

“I’m Brandon, and this is my twin Drex. Nice to meet you, Eve.”

I get a full body shiver just looking at them. “Er, Evelynn. Please.”

Someone else introduces himself and his brother. “We’re Gustav and Robin. Identical as well.”

Of course, I can’t tell which is which. But both of them are gorgeous.

All of them are.

Waving from the back of the room, two more announce who they are. “Theo and Max. As you can tell, we resemble each other.”

I laugh, almost snorting at his words. I don’t know why I’m suddenly…giddy.

“Gideon and Jake back here,” says someone else.

Not to be left out, someone from the last pair speaks up, “We’re Finn and Gunther. Nice to meet you, Miss Evelynn.”

I’m in a state of euphoria. I don’t know if I should run away from or embrace the luck that has been bestowed upon me?er, well, my business.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you all. I’m sure you know why you’re all here?” I sit in my leather office chair and smile up at them.

Fuck, I hope they don’t think I’m being flirtatious?though I admit that I find them all extremely attractive.

I clear my throat, still a little anxious about the whole thing. I didn’t expect this, but thinking about it, well, this could turn out to be a godsend.

Scarlet could have not only a batch of new men, but identical twin brothers at that. If that doesn’t open the door to some taboos, I don’t know what will.

This kind of thing has never been available at any club. The women will flock here in droves when stories of something this dark comes out.

“Well, I certainly didn’t expect to walk in and find ten men here, but I must admit, I’m intrigued,” I say, smiling.

I find that I have a hard time making full eye contact with the one who introduced himself as Brandon. He’s looking at me like a wolf before it devours its next meal. It’s exciting but nerve-wracking at the same time.

“We’re replacing our prior staff of three, and, well, though ten is a little much, I definitely like the twin thing.” My finger rests on my chin, tapping lightly.

“Do you all have experience in this sort of business?” I ask, looking briefly at each of them. “I’m looking only for those who can produce, not drain the business.”

I can’t help but think this would be what my mother would want. She’d find this as appealing as I do, and though I’m not one to be cash-driven, the dollar signs are definitely flashing in my head right now.

Finn grabs a chair and places it in front of me. “We’re all experienced, and we know your parents’ reputation. You can’t go wrong with us here, Miss Evelynn.”

I watch his face, trying to read him for lies, but there don’t seem to be any. He seems, well?they all seem like the real deal.

“My parents started this place, and though they aren’t running it anymore, I plan to keep the same standards. Absolutely no sex between any of you and the clients. Even if you’re offered a substantial tip, we do not do that.”

I know I’m being overly cautious, but this place is important to me, as hard as it is to wrap my head around the fact that my parents were running this kind of business. They entrusted it to me. I will not fail. Not now, not ever.

Finn’s twin is standing behind him, smiling. He is the complete mirror image of his brother?the only thing different is the clothing. Thankfully, they aren’t wearing the same thing. I would be lost.

For a moment, I just sit there. I need to think. To let myself absorb all of this.

Hiring ten men to replace three is a lot to digest all at once, but my gut tells me this is going to make us the most talked-about the club this city has ever known.

“I will need a few things from each of you. First will be a complete drug test and a physical. After that, I will get you all settled in, and we can go from there.” I hesitate for a few seconds, but then I decide to listen to this little voice in my head saying, Fuck it.