Page 4 of 10 Commandments

My parents and the police? Well, at least it’s not about them, but those three men, I suppose. I sift through the papers on the desk and find the phone number of Detective Burke.

It seems important enough, so I guess that will be the first in a list of my new ownership duties.

I dial the number and someone quickly answers.

“Detective Burke.”

“Hello, Detective. My name is Evelynn Travers, the new—well, temporary—owner of Scarlet. I just received your voicemail with regards to—”

“You’re the Travers’s daughter?”

“Umm…yes. I am.”

“Okay. We just need to verify the alibi of Lars Long, Draven Fisher, and Ash Vaughn. They’re suspects in a recent murder case, but as long as their alibi checks out, there’s no issue as usual.”

“Oh, I see. I’m sorry, but this is actually my first day…I’m not exactly the right person to ask.”

“Okay, well, have your parents call me as soon as possible so I can move on with this case.”

“Umm…okay. Will do.”

And click. No goodbye, nothing. I guess that’s just how cops are.

But why are these guys wrapped up in a crime? And murder? Plus they have sex in the building! There are so many things wrong here I don’t even know where to begin.

As I paw through the paperwork, I finally piece together that this establishment is a BDSM escort service. Women can hire men to dominate them in whichever ways the desire.

What I don’t see anywhere is anything that says it’s exactly acceptable to sell sex. That’s definitely against the law and not something I want to be involved with at all.

I walk out of the door of my new office and see the three of them lounging on the various, strange pieces of furniture. The two ‘clients’ appear to have already left.

“Can you guys come speak with me really quickly?”

I sit back at my desk, and they filter through the door at a slow pace.

“What’s up?” Draven says.

“I just spoke with the police, and they’re saying you three are suspects in a case. I’m not one to say one way or another, but that is a very strange first impression for me. What’s going on?”

“Oh, that. Haha, well, that’s just part of business, boss,” Ash says. “Sure, we get scheduled for beatings and shit, but you know those old whores. They get horny, and who are we to say no, right? Obviously that’s off the books. Your folks were cool with it. Just vouch for us, and it’ll all be fine. Normal shit, ya know?”

I tilt my head at him. “Well, first off, this isn’t their company anymore. It’s mine. And that sort of thing is quite unacceptable.”

The three glower at me.

“Furthermore, the call wasn’t about a prostitution case,” I continue. “It was about a murder case.”

“We don’t know how they died!” Lars exclaims.

“Yeah. It was Caroline that hired us!” yells Ash.

Draven shoots daggers at the other two before looking back at me. “Look. If Caroline asks you to do something, you don’t say no. We were just doing a job, that’s all. We don’t know what happened afterwards. You gotta cover for us. Tell the police we were here like always.”

“I haven’t the foggiest idea who you’re talking about,” I say. “But I will not tolerate this kind of issue in my company. You three are fired.”

They stand there in stunned silence.

“I’m sure you have some belongings to gather, and some…real clothes to put on. Please be on your way within the hour, and after that, if there’s anything of yours left, call ahead, and I’ll have it set out for you. Thank you, and have a nice day.”

I shoo them out of the office, and they obey hesitantly, each of them too surprised to protest. Just before I shut my door, however, one of them finally speaks up.

“You’re gonna regret this,” Draven says quietly.

“I said, have a nice day,” I reply and then shut the door.

I breathe a deep sigh of relief. I have a lot to rebuild in this company. Hopefully, that’s the last I’ll see of them.

Chapter 3


I breathe a bated sigh of relief over my paperwork. Those three are out of the picture, which is huge, but I still have a lot of work ahead of me.

It seems they had a hold on the entire company, and I’m not sure if my parents knew about this or not. With them gone, I’m out of men.

I hear the front door open with a little jingle. I installed a cute little bell. It’s just loud enough to hear from my office, but shouldn’t really disturb any of the more…immersed clients.

Once we finally have some again, that is.

First things first, though: I need guys. Badly.

That…didn’t come out right.

I sneak a quick glance in the mirror in my office before I go to see who came in. My hands run down my body to smooth out my skirt, and I put on a fresh coat of red on my lips to complete the look. Above anything else, I want to make sure that I’m always taken seriously.