Page 15 of 10 Commandments

“Governor, lovely to see you. Please join us. Gustav, can you get the waiter back to bring the governor some champagne? Or a gimlet, is it, Governor?” I put a hand on Gustav’s arm as the governor and his daughter are seating themselves at our table.

Under the table, I feel Robin’s foot trailing up my calf just under my skirt. I glance over at him. He is leaned back in his chair, smirking.

“Yes, it is. Thank you, Evelynn, for remembering,” the governor replies.

Gustav gestures to another white-clad waiter and orders drinks for the table. “And who are these fine gentlemen?”

“These are my dates, Gustav and Robin.” I smile and gesture to each of them in turn. Silvie, the governor’s daughter, looks green with envy. “B-both of them?” she stutters.

“Why, yes, dear. I could hardly break up a matched set now, could I?” I respond playfully.

The governor clears his throat disapprovingly.

I can feel a flush creeping up across my chest. Robin’s foot has slid up to my thigh, and Gustav has apparently decided to join in his brother’s antics.

The slit in my dress has been moved aside. Thank god for the tablecloth. Without it there, the room would be able to see for a fact that panties just did not go with this outfit.

I’m saved from having to make any further small talk by the waiter returning with his tray. I take a sip of fresh, cold champagne, hoping to control my blushing.

“We should go over and see Mrs. Shurbert. Nice to see you, Evelynn, gentlemen.”

The governor drags Silvie away. I’m left with Gustav and Robin, teasing my legs apart and making me wish I was wearing panties.

Or maybe not.

Chapter 9


“You two have a good time?” Theo comes up behind me.

I have no idea how Theo and Max came in without causing a scene. They are taller than every other man here and dressed identically in black-on-black velvet tuxedos, with long thin scarlet ties accentuating their height. I’m not sure if I’m glad it is time for the changing of the guard or if I wanted to see how much further Robin and Gustav were going to go.

“Pumpkin time already?”

Robin looks at his pocket watch and raises his eyebrows.

“I thought we would have had time for another dance, but I have an appointment to show another naughty girl her place.”

He looks meaningfully at me and lightly brushes his fingers up my arm as he stands.

I stand as well, and Gustav steps in close behind me.

“Have a thrilling evening.” Gustav’s voice is low and gravely, and it sends a shiver up my spine.

Gustav and Robin make their graceful exit, and Theo and Max step in close to me. They may be dressed alike, but they are each wearing a cologne all their own.

Max smells almost sweet, like mouthwatering ripe fruit. Theo smells spicy; he makes me think of a Mexican hot chocolate. Both are subtle, but with the two of them standing so close, I can feel the heat of their bodies and inhale a wave of their combined scent.

“Well, looks like you have a drink. And Robin said something about dancing. Would you like to see what delights the buffet has to offer?” Max asks. He looks hopeful.

“Don’t mind my brother. He has very hearty appetites.” Theo takes my arm and starts leading me to the other side of the room.

“We had a very productive session with a new client tonight. Working out the kinks, pun intended, always makes me hungry,” Max says.

He walks close to my other side and places one hand on my lower back. I can’t imagine walking across a crowded floor this close to two men who tower over me, but Max and Theo slink like jungle cats on their long legs, and we cross the floor as graceful as dancers.

“Well,” I start, “I don’t think you are going to be very inspired by the buffet here. Probably some crab cakes, foie gras, and stuffed mushrooms. They have the same thing every time I come here.”

“I feel very inspired,” answers Theo, eyes smoldering down at me.

I feel myself flush. I’m not sure I’m very hungry, but I might also be inspired.

“Skip the crab cakes, but they have added these lovely little smoked salmon toasts that are possibly to die for,” a female voice chimes in from across the table. “’Course, I’m not supposed to have the salmon, but the cheese is amazing.”

I look across the table at a stunning, heavily pregnant blonde woman in a black-and-red gown cut deep in the front, displaying her creamy breasts.

Behind her with a possessive hand on her back is a proud man. Spread out nearby are six other beautiful men, watching her with a hunger that has nothing to do with the food.

“Caroline?” I ask. I have heard about the new head of Sin Inc., but I didn’t think I’d be meeting her here tonight. I suppose we will now be swimming in the same circles more than we did in the past.