Page 16 of 10 Commandments

“In the more-than-usual flesh,” she answers, gesturing to her swollen belly. “Justin, be a love and pick out some tasty treats. I want to sit down and chat with the new owner of Scarlet.” She nods toward a lean, sexy man staring at her with a hunger that doesn’t look like it will be quelled with crab cakes.

I follow her, slightly starstruck, to a table off to the side. Unlike my assigned table, this one has a great view of the room but is more hidden from prying eyes.

One of her seven escorts is already sitting at the table poking at a smartwatch. As we sit, one of the waiters scurries over with a tray of drinks already for us. The seated man slips him a twenty, then stretches lazily.

“I figured we should get to know each other since we are the nubile young ladies in charge of the how, should I put it, darker side of business in town.” Caroline smiles at me.

I want to believe that she is as kind as she is making out to be, but I’m not sure if I can trust her yet.

“Do you mind if I call you Evie? You’re just so adorable. I think it fits.”

“Did you hire my former staff to kill a man?” I ask her point-blank, ignoring her question. I have heard rumors about how Caroline “inherited” Sin Inc., and I am not up for playing the usual game of politics.

“And here I thought you were sweet and innocent.” Caroline smirks at me. Her look is dangerous, and there is fire in her eyes. But underneath that is another woman thrust into a new world.

I really want her to say no. I want to find a friend and ally in her.

“I might have needed someone to ask some questions of a less-than-helpful gentleman. Ares would have gone, but I wanted to direct attention away from my Sinners. But he does get so jealous when I hire out.” She looks over her shoulder at a dark man scowling toward us, the bulge in his pants betraying that he is as turned on as he is jealous.

“Evie, darling, I merely hired them to get information. I never wanted them to really hurt anyone. And I haven’t seen them since the meeting to set it up. I promise you they are not now, nor will they ever work for me. I don’t trust them.” The playfulness is gone from Caroline’s voice. “We don’t kill innocent people.” There is a tiny crease between her eyebrows.

She wants to say more, but I don’t think she knows if she can trust me yet. The slim man, Justin, comes over with a huge plate of food and sets it in front of her. He picks up a salmon toast, pops the smoked fish into his mouth, then gently feeds the rest to Caroline.

She smiles and closes her eyes as he kisses down her neck, inhaling deeply, as if he wants to devour her.

The tableau reminds me of my own escorts, standing very close behind me. One or both of them have been trailing their fingers along my back through our conversation, teasing my skin and playing with my hair.

I have been so wrapped up in talking to Caroline about my former employees that I didn’t really notice, even while I have been stretching toward their roaming fingers. I think about what it would be like to have those fingers explore me further.

“I noticed the change-up in your escorts. You are drawing quite a bit of attention, my dear Evie. Here I thought I was the only one brave enough to bring more than one date to these things.” Caroline’s teasing voice is back, pulling me away from the thoughts of Theo and Max running their warm, soft hands up my thighs and exploring my innermost depths.

I shake my head to clear my mind of the dirty thoughts. I look at her quizzically, then blush. I want to trust her, and I could really use a girl friend.

“My regular date canceled at the last minute. Max and Theo,” I say as I gesture to the men behind me, “and the rest of my new employees are helping me out and escorting me tonight. None of them were free for the whole evening, unfortunately. Appointments, you know, and it seemed like a good way to get to know everyone.”

“How many gentlemen have you hired?” Caroline asks

“Ten,” I answer. “Business is booming, and when there are twins involved…” I am turning even redder. I know Caroline knows what Scarlet is, but she doesn’t know about the other night.

Caroline has a nice laugh. “Oh, Evie, I know. I was just like you before…well, I was just like you. Don’t worry. You now have ten beautiful, talented men at your disposal. Embrace it. I’m sure you will find what you need.”