I turnedoff the shower and stepped out, combing out my wet hair even though I knew I should wait for it to dry first. I tied the towel around my body, then used the hand towel to dry my face.
It had been a long day.
And a long night, for that matter.
Tristan had some sort of stomach bug and had been sick from the moment he woke up that morning, leaving me to forget doing anything but taking care of him. Of course, it was all I wanted to do when he wasn’t feeling well, but that didn’t change the fact that he was super demanding all day, and just being around it was enough to wear me out.
I had finally found the time to shower when he finally fell asleep and seeing what time it was on my phone sitting on the counter, it came as no surprise to me that I had been up most of the night with him, too. I was exhausted but glad that I could finally get into my pajamas and get some rest myself.
I hoped to God Tristan would be asleep for at least a few hours. I wanted enough time to get at least enough rest I could be up with him again for however long he was up the next round.
I stepped out of the bathroom with my towel still wrapped around me, stopping short when I realized Abe had just walked into the kitchen. He startled me, but I quickly recognized him which kept me from crying out.
He stared at me as I grabbed the knot in my towel, pulling it tighter around my body. I was drying quickly in the warm night air, but I felt incredibly exposed in front of Abe just the same. His gaze was filled with the same lust that it had been that incredible night we’d spent together all that time ago.
A night I still remembered fondly.
There was no denying my own want for him, my own lust. I knew it was a terrible idea. I knew that if I were to do something like that, I wouldn’t be able to just walk away. But, with his gaze so hot I could feel it on my skin, I nearly melted into a pool right there in the middle of the living room.
I was grateful when he broke the silence, stepping toward me with his phone in his hand.
“I’ve got a picture I want you to see,” he said. “Do you recognize this guy?”
I glanced at the photo, and my heart sank. There was no doubt in my mind that was Joel. I couldn’t quite tell where he was, but it looked like he was outside, and it was dark.
“Where did you take this picture?” I asked.
“Do you know him?” Abe asked again.
“That’s him.” I nodded. “That’s Joel.”
“Dammit,” he said.
It was all I needed to know. He didn’t have to say where he had seen my ex. I knew that he had to be in town if Abe had the picture on his phone right now. And if he was showing it to me now, then he must have taken the photo tonight.
Against my better judgment, I sank onto the couch.
Abe sat next to me.
“He’s not going to hurt you,” Abe said. “I won’t let that happen.”
“How did he find me?” I managed, my throat constricting.
“It doesn’t matter. What matters is that he’s not coming near you. Or Tristan,” Abe replied. There was conviction in his voice.
“When will this ever end?” I said, again fighting a sob. “I thought I was done with him, but time after time he comes after me. It feels like it’s going to be forever.”
“It’s not.” Abe looked down into my eyes. “I swear to you, I’m not going to let this asshole come near you.”
At that moment, so many memories of the last time came flooding back to me. I felt safe with Abe, but I didn’t feel safe with anyone else. It made me want to be closer to him. I wanted him to be closer to me. I wanted him to be inside me.
“This is such a bad idea, but,” I said, closing my eyes and leaning up toward him.
I made it clear I was going in for a kiss knowing it was a risk. I had no idea how he would respond, and I was damn happy when he returned the gesture. Our lips met, and I was immediately carried back to that night so long ago.