Page 39 of Biker's Baby

I grabbed the bag I’d gotten at the deli on my way to work and sat down. He didn’t say anything at first, then he cleared his throat.

“How’s those tacos?” he asked.

I gave him a look as I pulled out a corn dog and bit into it. He shrugged.

“Just thought you said you were buying so many tacos the other day because you were going to pack them and bring them to work,” he said.

“I got the munchies,” I told him. “I had a few too many beers last night, and when I was looking through the fridge, they were the only thing that looked edible. You know how that goes.”

“Yes, I do,” he admitted. “But I don’t think that’s what’s going on here.”

“What?” I glared at him.

He got the hint and backed down.

“I don’t know. It’s just like there’s something going on with you and you’re not telling me what it is. You know you can trust me with anything, right?” he asked.

“There’s nothing to tell,” I said. “I’ve had a lot on my plate recently, that’s all. You don’t have anything to worry about.”

“Has it got anything to do with that girl you’ve been seeing?” he asked.

I jumped on the inside, then I remembered he thought I was seeing some made up woman.

“No,” I said. “She’s around some, but it’s not like it’s going to turn into anything. Nothing ever does for me.”

“I don’t know. I just know you’ve not been yourself lately, and I wish you would tell me what’s going on,” Glenn continued. “Tonight, you are distracted as hell, and you’re going to get yourself in trouble if you’re not careful. You know how TJ gets when we mess up.”

“I know,” I said with a nod. “Trust me. There’s nothing you need to worry about. If something comes up and I need to talk to you about it, I will.”

“You sure?”

“Swear it,” I said.

Glenn didn’t seem to be satisfied with the conversation, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it now. I wasn’t going to open up to him, no matter how hard he tried to get me to do so. So, he gave up. I could tell he was still bothered with the fact I hadn’t said what was on my mind, especially since it was so clear that there was something going on with me.

But I didn’t feel like I could confide in him.

I had been through a lot in my life, and I felt that it was better to keep most things close to the vest. Not that I didn’t trust him, but I didn’t want anyone to know about the situation going on at my house right now. It was best just to leave that alone.

I might wind up telling him about it eventually, but for now, I just wanted to keep Iris my own dirty little secret. I didn’t know what was going on with her, and until I knew what to do about this Joel guy, I was stuck.

Glenn found another topic to talk about while we ate, and I showed just enough interest in what he was saying to keep him from asking about me again. The more I could get him to talk about himself and things he was interested in, the better.

And I took what he said to heart. I wasn’t doing myself any favors with being distracted on the clock, so I decided to do everything in my power to put Iris out of my mind until I was back home. I had to, or I was going to wind up making some sort of mistake or causing some accident that could put me in a lot of trouble.

I managed to get through the night without too much trouble, and I really wasn’t thinking too much about Iris’s situation until I pulled up to my house once again.

Immediately, I noticed a truck I didn’t recognize parked partway up the block from my place. It wasn’t the neighbor’s vehicle, and while it could be friends who were visiting, I still felt myself bristle at the sight.

I pulled up in front of my own house, spotting some guy walking around the back. He wasn’t close enough to the house for me to ask him what he was doing, but I took a picture of him anyway. It was blurry, but I felt it was enough for Iris to be able to tell me if this was Joel.

It wouldn’t make sense for anyone else to be scoping out my house, that was for damn sure. And if this was that guy, I now had a face to put to the name. It would work out in my favor.

I put my phone in my pocket and turned off my bike.

The guy was acting nonchalant as he headed back up the street, making me think he was the one I was after. But there was no reason to cause any drama right now. There was still the off chance I was wrong, and I wasn’t in the mood to risk that.

It was late, and if this was my guy, then he’d be back. There was no doubt in my mind about that.

And when he was, I would be ready for him.

He had no idea what he was getting himself into.

But I sure as hell did.