Page 87 of Biker's Baby

“You don’t want to do that,” I warned. “I want out of your MC, Tad. You have become crazed over the fact that you think you can control every aspect of our lives, and that’s not what I signed up to do. When you got into the drugs and the guns, you crossed a line that I never wanted to be part of. And if you’re going to now start a war with some peaceful men who are moving into town, then you can say goodbye to me!”

“I already told you, you’re going to die today!” Tad shouted.

He looked like he was going to keep yelling at me, but at that moment, the FBI came around the corner. Mikey’s truck was in the lead, and there were four other SUVs behind him. They were all black, but it was clear to the men standing there who was coming.

“It’s the feds!” one of the men who’d accompanied Tad shouted. “Let’s get out of here, boys, or you can kiss any freedom goodbye!”

“You stay where you are! I’ll not let any one of you back into the club if you run out on me now!” Tad screamed. But the men weren’t willing to risk their freedom for the chance to stay in the club. They had seen the way I was talking to their leader, and they knew it was over for him.

It didn’t matter what happened to me at this point. The fact of the matter was that Tad himself had lost his grip on the people, and there wasn’t a thing he could do to get that power back. The men weren’t going to respect him anymore after this, and with the FBI showing up, they knew that it was just a matter of time before he was thrown in prison anyway.

Tad was screaming at the men to stay where they were, but it was obvious none of them were listening, and I smiled.

“Looks like you’ve lost your touch there, Tad!” I shouted. “Now you better get rid of that gun, or you’re going to get hit with a possession charge on top of everything else you’re already facing!”

“Fuck you, you piece of shit!” Tad screamed at me.

I didn’t think he would reach the point where he would try to shoot me, but he saw that his time was running out. The FBI had pulled up, and the doors were opening. Mike was already shouting to Tad to drop his weapon, and I put my hands in the air to show that I wasn’t armed.

Tad, however, wasn’t going down without a fight. He could see that he only had one more chance to kill me. If he didn’t take that chance now, he would never get it again. He knew his time was up, but he was willing to throw away any chance he had of making a deal with the cops for the sake of trying to kill me along with him.

He pulled the trigger as I threw myself to the ground.

I heard a scream from the window above me, but it was drowned with the sound of gunfire from the FBI agents.

Everything happened so fast, I could barely register what was going on. It was as though there was a haze of activity happening around me, and I was frozen in the middle. I wanted to act, but I was stuck to the ground in shock. I looked at my body.

I hadn’t been hit, but I still felt frozen.

It was the closest I had ever come to dying, and I was glad Mikey had shown up when he did. There was no telling how long Tad was going to let me stand out there and try to distract him before he finally pulled his gun and shot me. But, regardless of how long he’d have let me talk, I knew that would have been the end.

Thanks to Mikey, I was now free of the bondage of being in that club, and I no longer had to worry about the things Tad was forcing me to do. I was free to go on and live the life I wanted with my girl and my son.

And, I had managed to put an end to the illegal things that were happening in The Black Cats, too. I had completed what I set out to do, and I felt good.

It seemed to me like Mikey had come out of nowhere when he was suddenly dragging me to my feet.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“Now I am,” I said. “What took you so long?”

“Stopped to order a coffee on the way,” he joked. “But I’m glad you were able to keep him talking. Good job.”

I was about to crack another joke when the door behind me opened, and Iris came rushing out. She threw her arms around me, Tristan already cradled in her own arms.

“You fucking idiot!” she cried into my chest. “You were almost killed just there. I thought I lost you! I thought I watched you die right in front of me!”

“I didn’t,” I said as I folded her against me. “I had to do my part to get Tad.”

“Is he dead?” she asked.

“Don’t you worry about what’s going on there,” Mikey said with a wave of his hand. “The important thing is that you are now free of being under his thumb, and you don’t have to worry about that other man stalking you, either. I would say now is a time for you two to finally celebrate your freedom, right?”

Iris looked up at me with a serious look in her eyes.

“What?” I asked.

“Can we be done with violence now?” she asked. “I mean forever? I’m sick of it. I just want to live a normal life with our son and not have to worry about guns or drugs or crazy exess stalking me or anything like that.”