Page 40 of Total Ship Show

“Why on God’s green earth did—”

“Because she thought it was her bag and I guess she couldn’t make it to a trash can. I don’t know!”

I wipe my mouth with my napkin. “Well, what did you have in your bag? Do we need to shop later and replace a few things?”

“They weren’t like life-altering things, thank God. I left my Kindle in your room because I knew I wouldn’t need it and my cell phone was in the front pocket. But I lost my bathing suit cover up, my sun hat, and my sunblock.”

“Oh, okay. Those are easily replaceable. We’ll just stop in one of the gift shops later today.”

She shoots me a look like it’s easy for me to say that items are easily replaceable and then I remember her mentioning not scheduling excursions because of the cost and I instantly feel bad for opening my mouth.

“I also have plenty of t-shirts you’re welcome to wear for a cover up, if you want. And I have plenty of sunblock.”

She gives me a sheepish smile. “Thanks, Aris.”

“Anytime. I hope the girls are okay. Do you think they would want me to check on them?”

Her brows lift. “Because you’re a doctor, you mean?”

“Is that pretentious of me?” I cringe.

“No. It’s sweet of you to offer. I think they’re just plain old hungover and were only at the pool because Grace made a stink about everyone swimming before they go to the casino later. Can you believe she did nothing but laugh at them as they were yakking everywhere and then got up and left because she didn’t want to be a part of the scene anymore?”

“Some friend, huh?”

“Tell me about it.”

Seeing her irritation, it makes me feel good that I’m here and can take her away from the stress and drama of her friend group. Dare I say, I’ve very much been looking forward to spending some one-on-one time with her today. Ever since I saw her last night wrapped up in my bed and woke up to her wrapped around me this morning, she’s all I’ve been able to think about.

Her scent.

The way she feels against my body.

The little noises she makes when she sleeps.

It was unlike anything I’ve taken the time to experience before.

Like for the first time the idea of a pump and dump never entered my mind.

I wanted her there.

I wanted to stay there.

“So how about that scavenger hunt? Where do we need to go for that?” I ask her as I take the last sip of my lemonade.

She pulls out her phone and opens the ship’s app. “Social Area on deck seven.”

“Great. I’m ready when you are.”

* * *

“Hello, my friends and welcome to today’s scavenger hunt right here on The Heart of the Deep!” A short Latino man stands in front of the group, wearing white shorts and a red t-shirt that readsHow Deep Do You Like It?

“My name is Eduardo Montoya, and I am your cruise director,” he says with a thick Latino accent. He waits for applause and then takes a dramatic bow with a cheesy ass smile and then gestures to the man beside him. A little taller and thinner than Eduardo he’s dressed in shorter shorts than I would feel comfortable in, a red t-shirt that reads,Balls Deep!and a small gold chain around his neck.

“And this is my partner, Doug Binks! He’s traveling with me this week and put together this amazing activity for us today. He even asked our dear friend Trudy to help! Isn’t that super exciting? You just wait till you see what Trudy has in store for you on this hunt! So, let’s listen to Doug as he explains the rules.”

Doug gives Eduardo a lip smack on his cheek, and old lady Gertrude, or Trudy as I hear she’s known around the ship, gives Eduardo’s ass a flirtatious pat making him jump in surprise. She snickers as the rest of us listen on.