Page 4 of Rekindle

Even if I tried to convince myself this was just for a couple of days, I knew all too well this would probably backfire on me. Honesty was always the best policy, and the truth? While I was still very much in love with him, I also loved my pride, and I knew one of them I would have to give up.

We waited in the lounge before we boarded the plane. My attention turned to Gareth as he stood in front of the coffee bar. I grew curious at his exchange with the bartender. She was all smiles and leaned forward while speaking to the man who belonged to me.

Only me.

Did she just bite her lower lip?

Gareth ignored her advances and that filled me with so much joy.

He leaned away from the counter, reached inside of his suit jacket, and paid the woman.

As if I didn’t pick up that she discreetly slipped a small, white piece of scrap paper under his credit card. But Gareth noticed and returned the slip back to her.

What the hell am I doing?

I had to hold back my emotions. I had no rights to Gareth anymore. We were just pretending to be a couple.

He seemed unfazed as he walked over to where I was sitting. He sat across from me with his legs crossed and leaned back nonchalantly. Along with his drink, he placed a hot chocolate and bagel on the table in front of me. It was always my favorite breakfast meal.

I wasn’t in the mood to eat. In fact, all I wanted was to confront him about how friendly he was with the woman at the counter who continued to look his way.

“There’s no reason to be jealous, Nina. I didn’t take it.”

“I’m notjealous,” I said. Gareth reached for the ringing phone inside his jacket. “Is that your lawyer?” I asked. He regarded me, then the phone.

“Yes.” He arched his right brow.

“Asking for his permission to leave for New York with me?”


I got up, but Gareth gripped my forearm gently and pulled me in to face him.

“Listen, I don’t want him to interfere. Don’t take any calls from him while you are at my parents’ house. When this is over, you can be his bitch again.”

“Watch your mouth.”

Gareth hated when I spoke like this. I’d had enough of Paul and his ability to sabotage this moment. Damn. We are not even together, and he continues to interfere.

I really was not in the mood to argue. “This is between us, Gareth. You don’t need to inform Paul of everything. Please just try to turn off the businessman.”

He moved closer, as I attempted to step away. He was quicker though, and I wrapped my arms around his neck in a gentle embrace. I didn’t want to be close to him in that moment, but I desperately needed it. The strength of his arm seemed to ward off all my emotions rising to the surface, and for that I was thankful.

He silenced the phone and put it back in his pocket.

I cleared my tears to get a better look of him. Gareth’s beautiful face came close to mine, the tip of his nose playfully touching mine.

“What is the plan when we arrive to New York?” he whispered, his breath trailed down the side of my neck.

I checked on the bartender to see if she noticed his affection toward me and I smiled inside when she stormed away. Her coworker grew confused and trailed behind her.

Gareth listened attentively and did not attempt to interrupt while I explained what would happen when we arrived in New York.

“Dad is all about manners. You say good evening, hello, how are you, all that stuff. And I know you won’t be a problem in that area.”

“Continue.” He said with smile.

“Mytiasare too affectionate, but respectfully disrespectful. They are nosy and make no apologies for it. They will be happy to see you and praise the heavens that I finally have anovio. Also the fact you speak Spanish is a plus in the family.”