“But I can understand what you say.”
He was right, but at least he tried. He once surprised me when he said he took Spanish lessons and sangTres Palabrasby Luis Miguel. I melted into his arms as we danced in his living room.
“It will be loud and they will try to have you eat everything at the table. And mytioswill want you to drink, which is fine, and you’ll play dominoes. And whatever you do, please do not bet money. They will try to get you.”
“You forgot one thing.”
“The most important. Your mother.”
I wasn’t going to leave her out. “She is measured in what she asks. She doesn’t like to pry unless it’s with her children. She is polite and quiet. Like Dad, she doesn’t mind sharing an opinion or two but their approach is different. And my brother—he is just cool and is a people pleaser.”
“Your parents are not so different from us.”
“True. But my father never allowed his friends to interfere in their relationship.”
Gareth tried to respond but opted not to. Our flight was announced on the speaker. I stood up to leave the lounge and get to the gate, but Gareth was quick and his body blocked mine from moving forward. “We will board the plane first. No need to wait in line. It’s been arranged.” He moved in closer. “Nina. I promise, Paul won’t be an issue.”
I tried to hide what I felt behind those words. It sounded nice when he promised to put me first. But I’d have to see it to possibly move on. Gareth gently pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and his lips touched my cheeks, but the blush was the ultimate traitor. And he knew it.
Chapter 3
My brother James sprinted through the crowdto grabme into a bear hug.He turned seventeen last month and I was excited to see him.
“James, this is my…boyfriend.”
“Hey, what’s up?” James high-fived Gareth.“Come on. Dad is down the street, and idle time is three minutes. Traffic is crazy! Why didn’t you take LaGuardia?”
I hurried behind James. “No flight available, so we had to go to Newark.”
Dad got out of the car. Quickly he greeted me with a hug, then offered his hand to Gareth.
“Gareth, this is my father, Ricardo.”
They shook hands. Once in the car, Dad drove through the Holland Tunnel towards the Bronx.
What I thought was going to be an awkward drive wasn’t. Gareth and Dad spoke easily during the ride. Gareth casually rested a hand on my knee and squeezed, making me sit up. I hadn’t realized I was tense, but he knew. Gareth knew how to read my body. We locked eyes, and I finally calmed down. I laid my head on his shoulder and pretended to sleep.
“You are the one person everyone is excited to see, Señor Cole aside from Nina.”
“I am excited to meet the family.” Gareth said. “Mr. Vega, please call me Gareth.”
“Oh shit.” James muttered under his breath.
Dad glanced at James a couple of times while focusing on the road. “Watch your mouth.” He warned.
“Sorry Dad.”
Dad remained silent for a few and responded, “Familiarities are earned. My wife and even son may refer to you by your first name. I will not until I’m sure of your intentions with my daughter.”
“My intentions are honest, sir.”
“Words are empty without intention. I have no problems discussing my opinions to you or my daughter. Her mother and I worked hard to raise Nina as we saw fit. Respectful, compassionate, and loving. Our hard work will not be destroyed in a few months you have been in a relationship with my daughter. I have worked with wealthy men as a driver Señor Cole. Selection comes in abundance when it comes to men like you. If you understand what I’m saying. My daughter will not be a selection to a temporary desire.”
“Nina is the One. I love and respect her. She is not a temporary desire.”