Workwithhis brother? Wasn’t like they hadn’t helped each other out in the past, but…
Something about this one felt different. More personal. Though for the life of him, he couldn’t understand why.
“Guess it wouldn’t be the first time we helped each other out.”
“No, I guess it wouldn’t.” Declan rubbed the dark stubble covering his jaw. “Okay, look. When you called, you said you wanted this one done right.” He glanced around them as if to make sure they were alone. “It’s just you and me out here, so I need to know right now whether or not there’s more going on between you and the Campbell woman—”
“—than you’re telling me. I can’t do my job if you’re not upfront with me. About everything.”
Damn, he hated it when his brother was right.
“Fine. It’s like I said before. I met Poppy this morning when she came to Sin looking to hire me. I knew there was some question as to the validity of her story, so I didn’t let on that I knew who she was or that she’d already gone to the police.”
“Smart.” Declan seemed to agree. “Then what?”
“Then we talked. She took me to the alley next to my building and walked me step-by-step through the events from Thursday night. After that, she left to come here, and I went back to the club. I filled Ivan in on everything and had him run a deep dig into her life.”
“Find anything?”
“Nothing that would interest you.”
A knowing expression fell over Declan’s face. “But it’s of interest to you?”
“Not really.” Jax blew the lie off with a shrug. “She’s a farm girl from Kansas who came here for work. That’s pretty much the gist.”
“Funny. That’s what my people told me, too.” His brother rested his hands on his hips and blew out a breath. “So what’s your next step?”
“My next step is to take Poppy to my place. Once she’s settled in, I’m going to get to work finding out who that bastard in there is. Once we get a name, I’ll have Ivan do a deep dig on him. Figure out who his known associates are, try to connect the dots between him and Poppy.”
Declan arched a brow. “You’re letting her stay at your place?”
“She’s my client, and she’s been through hell. Her apartment’s an active crime scene, and I don’t trust hotel security. So yeah, I’m going to let her stay with me until we know more about the situation. The poor woman needs a shower, a decent meal, and some sleep.”
“And that’s all you plan to give her?”
“Jesus.” Jax shook his head. “You really think I’m a heartless asshole, don’t you?”
“Actually, no.” The other man sounded genuine in his response. “I thinkyoutry to make people think you’re a heartless asshole.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Because you’re scared.”
Jax’s shoulders shook with his deep laughter. “Brother there ain’t much out there that scares me anymore.” Not since his time as a SEAL.
“You can lie to everyone else, but I know better.”
“Yeah?” Jax rubbed his chin. “Then tell me, oh wise one. Exactly what is it you think I’m afraid of?”
“Letting people in. Commitment. Getting close to…I don’t know…anyone. Am I getting warm?”
No. He was bursting into fucking flames. “Whatever, man. Just because we’ve hung out a few times, lately, that doesn’t mean you know me.”
“You’re right. There’s a lot about you I don’t know. And why do you think that is?”
Because Declan is right. You don’t let anyone in. Not ever.