“You know, as much as I’m loving this brotherly heart-to-heart we’re having, I really need to get back inside.”
With a huff of a breath, Declan simply shook his head and reached for the door. He palmed the knob but didn’t turn it right away.
Instead he looked back at Jax and said, “You know, one of these days you’re going to have to figure out a way to let down those damn walls of yours. Otherwise, you’re going to end up a miserable, lonely man.”
“Just because you’ve fallen head over ass for someone doesn’t mean that shit’s in the cards for us all.” Jax followed him back inside. “Speaking of Skye, how is that beautiful fiancée of yours?”
Declan had shared with him not long ago that he’d finally asked Skye Lewis to marry him, and she’d said yes.
“She’s great.” Declan’s expression warmed the way it always did when he talked about the woman he loved. “You know, I don’t think I ever thanked you for what you did.”
Ah, shit. “Yeah? What’s that?” Jax tried to play it off.
“Playing dumb isn’t really your strong suit.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, brother.”
“Skye told me what you did, Jax. The whole phone call telling her she needed to come back to Denver because I was a mess without her.”
Declan stared back at him as if he expected a response. Jax, of course, didn’t give him one.
“Whatever, man.” Declan opened the door. “Just know that I’m grateful, and I won’t ever forget it.”
“Still don’t know what you’re rambling about, but if it makes you feel better…”
Jax knew exactly what his brother was referring to. Yes, he’d made that call, and yes…deep down…he was happy Declan had found someone to spend the rest of his life with.
Did that mean he was about to share those feelings aloud like he was on a freaking daytime talk show? That would be a big, giantfuck no.
Back inside, Jax’s gaze immediately went to the open door at the end of the hall. Poppy was still sitting on her bed talking with Grady. She must’ve heard them come back inside because she glanced up as she spoke, those big brown eyes of hers locking with his.
It only lasted a second, but it was enough to make him want to go to her, lift her into his arms, and carry her the hell away from this nightmare.
Suddenly wanting to get her back to his place as soon as possible, Jax turned to Declan and asked, “You got everything you need?”
“For now.” Declan nodded. “What about you, Maggie?” He looked to Maggie, who was still examining the body. “You need anything from Jax?”
The adorable M.E. with big round eyes and dark, curly hair glanced their way. “I think we’re good here.” She offered Jax a soothing smile. “You doing okay?”
“Me?” Jax shrugged. “I’m golden.”
Pushing herself up from her squatted position, Maggie made her way around the body while removing the disposable gloves she’d been wearing. With a tilt of her head, she motioned to an empty corner of the room.
Realizing she wanted him to join her there, Jax went her. “What’s up, Doc?”
He almost smiled because, damn…that never got old.
Maggie smiled and shook her head. “You know, Jax, I get that you’re supposed to be this big tough man with no emotions and all that. But this is me. We’ve been through a lot together this past year. Enough so, that I’d like to think that we can be honest with one another.”
“I am being honest, Mags. That guy you’re about to dissect was a half a second away from putting a bullet through Poppy’s brain. I just happened to beat him to the punch.”
“So that’s it? You’re really okay with everything that happened?”
She clearly thought he should feel something more. Regret, maybe? But the only thing Jax regretted was not getting to Poppy’s apartment sooner.
If I had, maybe she wouldn’t have gotten hurt at all.
“I’m fine, Maggie. Promise. The guy had it coming, and there’s not an ounce of regret flowing through these veins. You know what they say… Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”