“Detective.” Her gaze bounced between the woman and Jax’s brother. “Jax said you have a way to help me remember details from Thursday night?”

“I hope so. And call me Declan.” Motioning to the woman at his left, Declan began making introductions. “Poppy Campbell, meet Dr. Isobel Garcia. Dr. Garcia is the department’s new forensic psychiatrist.”

Dressed in a long black pencil skirt and delicate white blouse, the pretty brunette was several inches taller than Poppy, probably around five-eight, five-nine. Her thick hair was cut into a short shag, the dark brown locks falling in stylish layers stopping just at the nape of her neck.

Dr. Garcia’s light brown eyes held several tiny specs of green, and though they appeared casual in their gaze, Poppy got the feeling the other woman was studying her every move.

“It’s nice to meet you, Poppy.” The pretty doctor held out her hand. The friendly smile she wore brought attention to a set of sharp cheekbones Poppy would kill to have. “And please, call me Isobel.”

“Nice to meet you, too.” She shook Isobel’s hand.

“Detective King tells me you had quite a scare yesterday. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“Thank you.”

“So what’s this all about?” Jax reinserted himself into the conversation.

He’d already said more words since arriving at the station than he had the entire way here.

That’s what happens when a guy wakes up the next morning full of regret.

From his behavior so far this morning, Jax was most definitely regretting last night’s up close and personal interaction.

Poppy forced herself not to think about that now. She pushed aside the tantalizing memories of his domineering kisses and the ease with which he’d lifted her into his arms before pressing her back against the wall.

And she absolutely wouldnot—think about how it felt when he slid his thick fingers inside her, working her body with perfection until she became lost in a sea of ecstasy.

Nope. Not going there. Not ever again.

“This is Jax Monroe,” Declan introduced Jax. “He’s the P.I. I was telling you about.”

“Ah, yes. The brother.” The other woman shook Jax’s hand as well. “Right. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Funny. I’ve heard absolutely nothing about you.” Jax released his hold and looked at his brother. “And I still have yet to hear why we rushed our asses down here.”

“Jax.” The admonishment was reflexive of Poppy’s deep-seated manners.

At least he doesn’t seem interested in the drop-dead gorgeous doctor.

The only response Poppy got was a quick glance in her direction before returning his focus onto Declan. With an arched brow, the cranky man silently told his brother he was waiting for more.

“Why don’t we go into my office,” Isobel suggested. “It’s a lot more private there.”

“Lead the way, Doc,” Jax groused.

Poppy, Jax, and Declan fell in line behind the other woman. They followed her past the precinct’s busy entrance, through a sea of desks, officers, and men and women Poppy could only assume were detectives, finally coming to a stop near a closed door at the end of a long hallway.

“This is me.” Isobel used a key to unlock the door before holding it open for them to pass through. “You’ll have to excuse the boxes. I’m still getting settled in.”

“Thanks,” Poppy muttered as she stepped into the cozy space.

To her left was a desk, the items placed on top positioned neatly in their own designated spots. The wall behind the desk—as well as the one to Poppy’s right and the one behind her—had been painted navy blue.

Resting against that wall was a large bookshelf, nearly every shelf filled to capacity. A few decorative knickknacks separated the vast collection of books, along with two small paintings in stylish frames.

The wall Poppy faced—the one opposite the door she’d just come through—was made of beautiful, exposed brick. A large double window filled its center, the frame and sill painted in the same dark blue color as the other three walls. Two sets of light cream blinds had been pulled just enough to block out the mid-morning sun.

Centered perfectly beneath the window was a dark brown couch. A coffee table and matching end tables finished off the professional-yet-inviting space.