Jax raised a hand to knock on his bedroom door when it swung open, and Poppy appeared before him.

“Oh!” She stopped short of bumping into him. “Um…hi.”

Her silken hair had been pulled up into a messy bun, a handful of tendrils falling in loose waves in a frame around her face. A touch of makeup had been applied, the light coverage partially hiding the dark bruise marring her otherwise flawless skin.

She was dressed in a dark gray sweater, the modest V-neck giving him just a tiny peek at the deep valley between her perfect breasts, and a pair of snug-fitting jeans that made him think of their finger-fucking session from the night before.

Sure could get used to seeing this face every morning.

Ignoring the pointless thought—and the awkwardness hovering between them—Jax told her, “Declan called. He wants us to meet him at the police station.”

The guarded look in her eyes when she stared up at him created a knot in his gut he wasn’t sure how to handle.

“Did they find something?”

“He didn’t get into it all,” Jax answered truthfully. “Just said we need to get down there ASAP.”

The tip of Poppy’s tongue ran along her bottom lip, the sight creating a flash of memory from him taking that same lip between his teeth as he’d feasted on her sweet, sweet taste.

Jax purposefully tightened his fists at his sides to keep from reaching out and going in for seconds.

“I’m ready if you are.”

For a fraction of a second, he thought she was talking about his desire to kiss her again. Thankfully common sense sank in, and he realized she was referring to their requested presence at the precinct andnotan encore of last night’s sensual performance.

Too bad for us both, Kitten.

“We’ll grab some coffee on the way.” Because yeah, he’d screwed that up, too.

“That would be great, thanks.” Poppy turned and grabbed her purse from atop his dresser before slipping past him.

Following her to the front door, Jax let his gaze wander, his dick swelling behind his zipper as he zeroed in on the perfect swells of her heart-shaped ass. One he’d held tightly in his palms just a few short hours before.

“So you don’t know anything about why your brother wants to see us?”

Poppy turned to face him as she reached the door, his eyes flying up to meet hers in the nick of time.

Thankful he hadn’t gotten caught ogling the goods, Jax schooled his expression and shook his head. “All he said was that he thinks they found a way to help you remember more details from that night in the alley.”

“Really?” Poppy frowned, reaching for the door. “How?”

“No idea.”

With her brown gaze sliding to something behind him, the frown she’d been wearing morphed into a look of curiosity. “Did you cook?”

Jax followed her gaze to the mess he’d left in the kitchen and cringed. “Sort of. Come on.” He ushered her out the door to avoid further questioning of his lack of domestic skills. “We can grab some food to go with our coffee.”

Preferably something that isn’t burned.


“You made it.”

Poppy turned away from the heartbreaking wall of missing persons posters to find Detective King rushing toward her. Walking next to him was one of the most stunning women she’d ever seen.

“Told you we’d be here,” Jax grumbled.

Ignoring his brother’s grumpy mood, Detective King shifted his focus onto her. “Good to see you again, Poppy.” He offered her a kind smile and a quick shake of his hand.