Page 88 of Sinful Tyrant

“Look, just because he’s in the mafia doesn’t make him a bad person.”

“I think it does, by definition.”

“You don’t know him. He was born into this life. He’s had to get used to it.”

“Sounds like you’re making excuses for him. This is exactly what you did with Oswald.”

“What is?”

“This. This seeing the best in people. He’s in the mafia, Bex.”

“You can’t be sure.”

“You told me you couldn’t be sure Oswald’s exes were telling you the truth when they said he slapped them around. He had a plausible explanation, that they were all insane, that he’d got unlucky. Let me guess, you feel the same way about Hunter. You think you could make this work, that he isn’t that bad. Am I right?”

“Is that why you invited me to breakfast? To tell me that I made the wrong decision the day after my wedding?”

“I’m just saying you don’t look like an ecstatically happy blushing bride. Where is Hunter now?”

“He’s at his brother’s wedding.”

“Busy guy. You weren’t invited, I’m guessing?”

“He said I’d be in danger if I turned up. Didn’t want to take any risks. He didn’t actually want me to leave the house.”

“Where’s Alicia?”

“With Hunter.”

“So you’d be in danger, but it’s perfectly safe for him to take an eight-year-old to the wedding?”

“Apparently so.”

“You see what I mean. What if he lied to you about Oswald?”

“That doesn’t make any sense. He got arrested for it.”

“And was home within a couple of hours. Maybe it’s a setup to trick you.”

“Why would he do that?”

“Like I say, ask him.”

“I would, but he’s not answering his phone. I’ll ask him when he gets back.”

“Make sure you do. Anyway, rich girl. Why’d he give you five thousand dollars? Did you put out for him?”

“I did, but that’s not why.”

“So, spill the beans. Or did he do that last night?”

“I asked him for some cash to get breakfast with you while he was at the wedding. He pulled out this clip of cash and handed me five thousand.”

“For breakfast?”

“He said I should make it last a while.”

“Great, so you can get lunch too. Hold up, who’s that? Looks like we have a visitor.”