Page 87 of Sinful Tyrant

“I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you and Alicia.”

I lean forward, and before I know what I’m doing, I kiss her. “What are you doing?” she asks as I walk her out of the room and along the corridor. “Where are we going?”

“The bride and groom spend the wedding night in the groom’s bed,” I tell her. “That’s tradition.”

“Well, if it’s tradition, I’d hate to be the one to spoil it.”

I marvel at her as she walks into my room. From certain that I killed her ex to trusting me enough to sleep with me. All in the space of a couple of minutes. I thought I could judge situations quickly, but I’ve got nothing on her.

It clicks in that instant why I was on edge in the church. It wasn’t because I knew Brody was up to something with my brother. It was because of how right it all felt. Something about this feels right. I know it can’t work. I know I can’t keep her. I’ll destroy her when she finds out the truth about the type of person I really am. But at least for a couple of weeks, we can pretend it can work. We can enjoy each other’s company, and I will undoubtedly enjoy her body.

“Strip for me,” I tell her, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Not yet,” she replies. “There’s something I want to do to my new husband.”

She kneels on the floor between my legs, rummaging for my zipper. Pulling it out, she slides a hand inside and finds my hardening cock. She yanks it free, licking her lips before sinking her head down onto it. I let out a sharp breath as she buries me in her throat.

I can’t help but hold her head in place, fucking her mouth as she stares at me with those sparkling eyes filled with lust.

Her tongue flicks over me, her hands on the root of my shaft, squeezing me tight, gliding back and forth, driving her face onto me repeatedly.

It takes a couple of minutes before I’m on edge. “Open your mouth,” I tell her, pushing her face off me. She obeys me at once, and it only takes seconds for me to get there. I stroke my shaft, tingling inside from how she sucked on me.

I stare at her perfect makeup and then spoil it, grunting as I come. I spurt onto her tongue, more spraying over her face and running down her chin.

She licks her lips, taking me into her mouth again, sucking the last drops from me.

“Sorry,” she says with a grin as she gathers up the mess on her face with a fingertip, licking it greedily. “Couldn’t resist.”



* * *

The server appears next to me, topping up my mug. “Get you anything to eat, darling?”

Ursula shakes her head. “No, I’m short of cash.”

“I can get it,” I tell her. “Hunter gave me five thousand bucks this morning. What do you want?”

“He gave you how much?”

“Just order your food.”

Ursula turns and looks at the server. “Too early for a burger?”

“I reckon we could rustle one up for you. Fixings?”

“Onions if you can.”

“Sure thing.”

Ursula sees me shaking my head. “What?”

“Onions this early in the morning? I don’t know how you can stomach it.”

“Hey, don’t mock me. I had a rough day yesterday. Watched my best friend get married to a guy in the mob.”