She was talking with Eloise now, and her cheeks were flaming pink. What were they speaking about? He hadn’t heard the gist of her interview—he’d only watched her, something he was starting to enjoy more than he thought he would.

He wanted to keep watching her now, but he pried his attention from Snow, from his fascination with her graceful movements and lightning-bolt smile and faced the cameraman. Luis was much shorter than he was. His head tilted upward to meet Hunter’s gaze.

“Not really,” Hunter said. Other than he was about to become a victim himself as soon as she picked her winner. The idea of her being with anyone but him was painful.

Luis rubbed a finger beneath his nose. “In that case, I have something I think you might want to know.”

“What is it?”

Luis spared a glance right and then left and then leaned in. “I heard—some evidence. People claim they saw Tys at the Elir.”

Hunter’s brows gathered. “Tys Ulrich?”

“Yes. Elir’s security has footage showing Tys hanging around the fire escape just before the attack. He’d have no reason to be at the hotel now that he’s no longer on the show.”

“What’s he still doing here?”

“Tys is local,” Luis said.

Hunter sniffed. “He lives in SoCal?” He’d forgotten that little detail.

Another nod.

“It’s a lead, at least,” Luis said. “I thought I’d tell you without Eloise around. I’m not sure the whole world needs to know yet, not until you have more to go on.”

His teeth clamped together and he worked to keep his temper from flaring. What good would growing angry do when he didn’t have more details? Hunter inhaled and did what he could to calm himself before responding. “You’re right,” he said. “Thank you, Luis.”

Hunter mulled over this information. He rubbed his chin and went to the security office to check the feed. He scanned through several cameras’ footage around the time of Snow’s attack. Nothing here. Perhaps he could speak with the security team at the Elir and see their feed for himself.

He couldn’t leave without Snow, though. He wouldn’t. He’d have to fill her in and take her with him. Before he could, Eloise strolled past and pulled him aside.

“I just had an interesting conversation with Snow,” she began. “Did you see the feed?”

Oh, he saw her all right. He hadn’t been mic’d, but looking at her lovely face had been enough. “I wasn’t hooked in. I couldn’t hear what you were talking about.”

“She mentioned you during her interview.”

His ears heated. This was news. “She did?” Why would she? Unless she was speaking of her date with Eric. Hunter supposed he’d appeared on the show during that footage.

“After that scuffle between you and Eric at the dojo, it’s kind of obvious that you have a thing for your client. The whole world is watching it unfold. Anything you want to tell me?”

He prepared himself for a scolding, though, as owner of the show he didn’t need to take it from anyone, let alone his producer. Hunter had never been in this position, and he felt completely unhinged. He’d guarded plenty of beautiful women before, but none of them had ever struck him the way Snow did.

“She as good as admitted her feelings for you just now,” Eloise added when he didn’t immediately respond.

His heart took over his chest; it beat so hard. “On TV?”

“No, to me. I asked her about her confession once the interview with Amira ended. But you two are sparking so hard it’s going to burn the studio down if you don’t put a stop to it. You may own this show, but if I may be so bold?” She didn’t wait for his approval or denial before going on. “Be professional, Hunter. Do your job and keep your distance from her.”

He couldn’t wrap his mind around her scolding, not when the desire to smile tugged at his lips.

Hunter tingled all the way to his fingertips. He was cascading down a series of rapids, heading straight for a waterfall, and no amount of paddling would take him any direction but down. He was falling for Snow. How had he let this happen?

Eloise had a point. This wasn’t professional in the slightest, especially not with the entire nation watching. Snow had hinted at her feelings for him during their dance. Every time their gazes caught, her words were only confirmed. The moment she entered the room, his breath caught, and his heart broke a little inside at the thought of another man holding her.

This couldn’t continue. Hunter had to put a stop to it before something more happened. Eric had every reason to feel threatened by Hunter after all.

There was nothing for it—he would keep his distance from her. And he would. Just as soon as he told her about this latest update from Luis.