Snow lay in bed, her mind fuzzy, her eyes heavy and on the brink of sleep. Her body slowed and relaxed. She nestled in, swimming in thoughts of Hunter. Just as her breathing expanded, her phone pinged.

Reluctantly, Snow rolled over to answer it, but the instant she saw who the message was from, her energy rekindled.

You still awake?Hunter said.

Yeah. What’s up?

I might have a lead on who’s been sending those notes to you. I’d like to investigate, but I don’t want to leave you.

Aww. She went a little squidgy inside at that.

What are you saying?she asked.

I need you to come with me while I look into this. Is that something you’re interested in doing?

Snow wasn’t sure what to reply. She was still rattled by her conversation with Eloise and hung up on what she was going to do about her feelings for this man. She really shouldn’t spend any personal time with him, but if he had new information about the threats, that wasn’t personal, was it?

She wouldn’t be surprised to find him camped out in the hall in front of her suite’s door. That was just something Hunter would do.

What do you want me to do?she asked.

It’ll be dangerous, but only because you’ll be in plain sight of everyone. But you’ll be with me the whole time. I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe.

She had so many questions. Keep her safe from whom—or what? She couldn’t help but wonder what this person would attempt to do to her next. And if Hunter was getting the same messages, would he be under threat of an attack too?

Perhaps he had an idea of these answers. She wondered what he was up to and where he was taking her.I’ll meet you in the hall. See you in a few,she said.

Snow slid a soft sweater over her donut pajamas, made sure her key was in her pocket, and stepped out of her room to find Juliet sitting in bed—or the couch bed she’d been sleeping on since she came—reading. Juliet peered over the glasses she didn’t usually wear—she must have taken out her contacts—and lowered her book.

“What’s up?”

“Hunter wanted to meet me.”

Juliet’s grin turned sly. “Oh, he does, does he?”

“I wish it was going to be a romantic excursion,” Snow said, slipping into her shoes, trying to keep her heart from tangoing right out of her chest. It wasnotgoing to be romantic. It wasn’t. “He has an idea on how we can catch the threatener and wanted to see if I’d be up for some sleuthing.”

Juliet slid toward the edge of the pull-out bed. Snow stopped her with a hand in her direction. “I’m just stepping out into the hall to see what he’s got in mind. I’ll be right back.”

“Okay,” Juliet said with hesitation.

Snow found Hunter in the hall wearing a comfortable-looking plain t-shirt and sweatpants. He was attractive in the dress shirts and slacks he usually wore, but this casual look was something else. Her temperature climbed a few notches.

His eyes grew expressive at the sight of her. “You look like you’re ready for bed,” he said.

“I am,” she said, sensing the seriousness in his demeanor. He was his typical stoic self, but the additional emotion in his eyes said enough—he was worried about her. “But I can change quickly if you need me to. What do you have in mind?”

Taking her elbow, he guided her toward the window in the center of the hallway, halfway between his room and hers. He lowered his head as well as his voice.

“Earlier today one of our cameramen confided something to me that he hasn’t told the police. He said they saw Tys on the hotel grounds just before you were pushed.”

“Tys?” She couldn’t wrap her head around this. Why would he attack her? She barely knew him—she had only spoken to him for a few moments that first night. He had no plausible reason to want to hurt her.

She crinkled her nose. It didn’t make any sense. “Are you sure you can trust your informant?”

“I’ve worked with Luis since I started at Heartthrob. He’s not someone inclined to make things up.”