She straightened her shoulders. It was time to end things for good this time. “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life. I’m glad you’ll be with me.”

They stepped out onto the set and received uproarious applause from the audience. Snow’s approach this time was so different than it’d been during the premiere. She didn’t smile and wave. She kept her hand in Hunter’s and stalked toward where Oswald stood.

“You’ve had quite the ordeal,” he said. “Would you care to tell us about it?”

“Eloise was one of the producers on the show,” Snow said. “As it turns out, her daughter also applied to be the belle of the show.”

“She didn’t like coming in second,” Hunter added.

“She and Tys were dating and planning to run off with the money once the show was finished,” Snow continued. “Eloise tweaked things to make sure Tys was able to make an appearance with me. He was only in it for the money.”

Oswald soaked in her words with complete seriousness. Very different from the jaunty demeanor he had during the premiere. So much was different now. “Good thing you sent him packing from the start,” Oswald said.

“There was just something off about him,” Snow admitted. “But I couldn’t believe he would stoop so low. Two days ago, before what should have been the show’s finale, I was waiting backstage and Eloise lured me into her office. She left me there with who I assume was Tys. I never saw who took me, but I woke up in a basement with Hunter’s daughter.”

“It’s a shame they brought someone so innocent into this,” Oswald said, referring to Hunter, who inclined his head.

“Yes,” Snow said. “They kidnapped his daughter because they knew that was the only way to get him off the set so they could take me.”

“And what did they intend to do with you?”

Snow still shuddered just thinking about it. For some reason, this time she didn’t want to admit the truth on TV. “I don’t know. They didn’t get around to it before Hunter and the police showed up.”

“And here you are,” Oswald said. He smiled at Amira, who beamed at him and then directed her relieved smile at Snow. The expressions from them both, from the six bachelors sitting on their stools, Hunter’s protectiveness beside her, it all pooled within Snow, making her feel safe and completely whole. She was here. She was safe. And she was so glad that was the case.

“Here we are,” she said. “Ready to leave Heartthrob’s Most Wanted behind.”

“We’re all so relieved to see that you’re safe,” Amira added, “and to know that Eloise, Tys, and Hannah are all behind bars.”

“Relief is putting it mildly,” Snow said. “Jealousy is no reason to attack someone’s good name. But to threaten and hurt them over being picked last? That’s petty and juvenile, and definitely not worth risking your life over.”

“True words, true words. So tell us, Snow. You were going to announce the selection of your bachelor,” Oswald said. The twinkle returned to his eye, and Snow couldn’t help but smile at that look. “You still have one apple left to give. One lucky man is waiting to hear your decision.”

Snow lifted her head. She was more than ready to make this final decision. “I hope this doesn’t come across the wrong way, Oswald, but my give-a-darn is broken.”

The host laughed as did Amira beside him. Several members in the audience did as well. “I can understand.”

“I may have one apple left, but this entire show hasn’t been what it should have been. It hasn’t been fair to any of the bachelors, to Hunter, and not to me.” Snow turned to where the bachelors all sat. The men all rose from their stools and came forward now without prompting. Judd moved first, pulling Snow into a hug. Then she met with Carter, Marcos, Clayton, Preston, and Eric.

“We’re relieved you’re okay,” Carter said.

“Thank you,” she said, meaning both words with utter totality. “Thank you all, so much. I’m sorry we didn’t get the fair chance to play out the show as it should have been. If I hadn’t been in so much danger, I never would have had to spend so much time with Hunter.” She still held his hand. “I never would have been able to fall for him the way I have.”

“So your choice?” Oswald said, moving to stand at the end of the line of bachelors. “You’re choosing your bodyguard?”

Several of the men eyed Hunter, who pressed his lips as if in apology. Snow tightened her hold on his hand. She didn’t want him to leave her.

“A billion dollars is a lot of money for only two people,” she said. “These are all good men with dreams and goals. Judd wants to run a ranch. Marcos has dreams of helping his family. Preston is a talented actor. Every one of these men could benefit from even a slice of that money. So I choose them all.”

The guys stared at one another in disbelief. Amira’s eyebrows leaped. Oswald laughed as if she were making a joke. “All? You can’t choose them all. You only have one apple.”

She twisted her mouth in a playful smirk and felt Hunter squeeze her hand in encouragement. “An apple can be cut into six pieces, can’t it?”

“You can’t choose them all.”

“Then I don’t want any of it.” Snow released Hunter’s hand and moved to stand in the center of the six men. She lifted her chin and faced the camera. “Why not give each of them a portion of the winnings? It would only be fair after what we’ve all been through.” She had discussed as much with Hunter, and he was in total agreement.

Oswald’s mouth gaped open for only moments before a laugh erupted from his full belly. A smile cracked across his lovable face, and he opened his arms to the men as if letting go of whatever attempts he had at an argument.