Eric, Marcos, and Judd nodded their agreement. Eric stepped forward and lifted his chin in a show of defense. “If they try to get to you, they will have to get through us first.”

Tears stung Snow’s eyes. She had no words to offer them. “I—I don’t know what to say.”

“Snow will be under my protection,” Hunter assured them. The bachelors’ gazes flicked toward him. They didn’t back down. If anything, they seemed only more confident.

“Can’t hurt to have ours too,” Eric said.

Chills cascaded down her arms all over again.

“This—” She worked to speak through the emotion in her throat. “This means everything to me. You all mean so much.” One at a time, Snow made her way to each man and, wet though she was, she threw her arms around them—but she only made it to Eric first before finding herself cushioned by the others who’d opted for a group hug instead. Eric held her firmly against him. She was thoroughly cocooned and had never felt safer than in this bizarre embrace.

Eventually, they backed away, leaving her to exchange a meaningful glance with Eric—who hadn’t sneezed once—before she stepped back.

Snow eyed their pillows and blankets again. They weren’t planning on camping out in her hall, were they? She wouldn’t put it past them. These gallant, kindhearted men.

“Sleepover?” she suggested.

The guys all whooped, and she grinned at them as they moved in to hug her again. She wasn’t sure which of them wrapped her in their arms this time, but he lifted her to his chest while the others convened around her too. Snow couldn’t help the floating sensation taking over her chest. She hoped the cameras were around to catch this touching moment, if only to show the world that she was okay, and she had a handful of handsome guards to keep watch over her that night.

Snow opened her door to allow them all in. Clayton and Marcos entered first. Snow waited until they were all in before approaching Hunter, who had remained in the hall.

He was frowning in disapproval and scowling at the men in her room as if they were monkeys.

Did he disapprove of this so badly? He’d told her she shouldn’t be alone. This should make him happy…

…unless he was jealous. That couldn’t be possible.

“I guess this threw a wrench in your plans,” she said.

Hunter inhaled and pulled himself from his reverie. “How so?”

Her brows elevated. “I—they’re all going to be with me. So you won’t have to now.”

Hunter folded his arms across his chest. She couldn’t help but notice his muscles swell as he did so. Those strong arms had saved her. This man had dived in for her. And she found that, even with all the other men in her room, she didn’t want Hunter to leave.

“I’m not going anywhere, Snow.”

A little smile struck her lips. “You should join us too. I mean, I’m sure there will be cameras. We’ll have plenty of witnesses if anyone tries anything again, but…”

How could she admit that she wanted him there just to have him close? She couldn’t frame the words. Snow wanted Hunter there as much, if not more, than any of the others.

It could have been the gun at his belt and the additional protection having him near offered. It could have been Snow’s gratefulness that he’d put himself at risk to save her, but she suspected it was something else—something warm and fledgling. She couldn’t turn him away now.

Even if she did, she wasn’t sure he would listen.

“I told you, I’m the only one I trust,” he said. “I’m not leaving your protection to anyone else.” Did that mean he suspected one of her bachelors was the culprit behind the attack? Snow couldn’t go there. None of the men in her room would hurt her—she was sure of it.

Hunter had an iron set to his jaw. Snow shuddered. She desperately wanted to lighten the situation. She punched his arm. “Or you just don’t want to miss out on the fun.”

He startled as if he hadn’t expected her to make a lighthearted comment during a time like this. His left brow twitched. He was so solemn. “Fun, huh?”

“You bet. Sounds like we’re having a party in there.” She angled her head toward the door and tamped down the quiver in her jaw and limbs.

Hunter’s brows bent deeper, creating a crease in his forehead. He didn’t move but continued watching her.

“What is it?” she asked.

“How can you be this easygoing about everything? About what just happened? I’d think you’d be more rattled or something.”