“I’m shaken up,” she said, puffing out a breath. If he only knew how much. “But I can’t dwell on the fact that someone just tried to kill me, Hunter. I can’t—” Snow trembled and worked to keep herself from fracturing any further— “or it’s going to consume me. I’ve got to see this through, and even though you don’t trust these guys, I do.”

She placed a hand on his arm, feeling the rocklike muscles there. Hunter gazed at the touch before lifting his eyes to hers. “They’re good men. They don’t deserve any of this either.”

Scowl in place, Hunter nodded.

Without waiting to see if he’d follow, she entered her suite. The guys had brought her hotel room to life. Eric was perched on one side of the couch with Marcos on the other. Carter had taken the arm chair. Clayton was scouring the space as if looking for bugs. And Judd had set his cowboy hat on the counter and rested on the stool.

They chatted amicably, lightening the mood. Snow soaked it in. She needed this.

She went into her room, ready to change into some dry leggings and a baggy t-shirt and tie her hair back only to find Hunter was there first, on his hands and knees, peering beneath the bed and the dresser currently housing the large-screen TV.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Checking to make sure there’s nothing sus in here.”

Snow shuddered. Would this person go that far? She supposed they didn’t know what lengths they’d go to. “Thanks.”

The guys’ chatter filtered through the wall, and Clayton peered in through the door. “Hey, Snow,” he said.

She pivoted in time to see him momentarily frowning at Hunter crawling along her floor.

“Yes?” she said, as though this were completely normal.

Clayton shook himself. “We’re going to order in. Anything sound good to you? Pizza?”

“Pizza sounds amazing,” she said.

“I know you have a particular diet. Veggie for you?”

“Yes, please.” Again, she was touched by his thoughtfulness. Really, Clayton would be a great fit for her. He was health-conscious and passionate about the way food affects a person’s body. That was important to Snow.

She needed to get her thoughts off Hunter. So what if she’d experienced the flicker of attraction with him? Never mind that she’d found herself craving his company or his arms around her. She had to keep her attention on her bachelors. Clayton would be the next one she asked on a date, she decided.

“Everything looks normal,” Hunter said, pushing himself to his feet. He ran a hand over his short black hair. “I think you should be good here.”

“Thank you.” The words didn’t seem to be enough. This man had saved her. Sure, she was letting go of her fixation on him, but she couldn’t let him walk out without saying something.

Hunter inclined his chin and made as if to leave, but Snow reached for his arm. Her grip slid along his skin, finally clasping his fingers. The touch shot fire into her, a charge like she’d touched metal with static. The reaction was stark. Hunter didn’t pull away. He peered at their joined hands and then deliberately closed his fingers over hers.

Her heart was a racehorse as he brought his dark eyes to hers.

“I mean that,” she said, answering the questions in his gaze. “I mean—thank you. Not only for inspecting my room for suspicious wiring or misplaced items, but…” Her throat closed. She unexpectedly wished the other men weren’t here—and she was grateful they were in the sitting room portion of the suite rather than witnessing this exchange.

Hunter faced her and gave her his full attention. The air between them rippled with friction, with anticipation, like the touch of silk on fingertips and delicate, featherlight cream on the tip of her tongue.

“You saved my life,” she said. “I’m…I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.”

Hunter cast his gaze across Snow’s features, taking in her hairline, her brows, the line of her nose, before gazing at her mouth. Her awareness of him intensified. Snow was enwrapped in his glance as he met her eyes again, in the assurance of his hand holding hers, of the intense devour of his dark eyes.

“I’d do it all over again,” he said. “If it meant keeping you safe.”

Snow’s mouth went dry.

He gave her hand a squeeze before releasing it and treading out, leaving her alone in her room. Snow closed her bedroom door and leaned her forehead against it, her entire body quaking. She drew in a long inhale, attempting to convince her body to get it together and stop stirring itself into a muddle.


Snow hadn’t expected Hunter’s touch to affect her like it had, but the connection that had speared between them still sent shocks through her. She shook off its effects and closed her door. She needed to change. Needed to think.