“It’s going to be a hard decision, for sure,” Snow said. “I feel like one date with each man just isn’t enough time. I wish I could have more time getting to know a few of them better.”

Amira’s lips pressed. “And who are we talking about now?”

“The only time I’ve spent talking to Clayton was during our time in the gym. And I haven’t spoken with Marcos much at all, but he’s always so smiley, he seems like a bright light to anyone’s dismal day. Carter is so kind and soft-spoken, and I like that about him too.”

“You will have to narrow it down, eventually,” Amira amended.

“That’s true.” Snow stared at her hands.

“So tell us.” Amira tapped her leg playfully as if the whole awkward exchange hadn’t taken place. “Whoisyour next date going to be with?”

Though Snow couldn’t see each individual face of the audience members who were watching this, she sensed the anticipation of the moment nonetheless. She imagined people viewing aptly—her bachelors, especially—eager to hear who she might say.

If she said Judd, that meant she’d had a good enough time with him that she wanted more and was narrowing him down. But she’d meant what she’d said earlier. They hadn’t hit it off. In all likelihood, she would need to vote him off soon—she would have already done so had the threatening note not appeared right after their date.

What a tough decision. She’d liked how Judd had done something spontaneous in bringing the roses to her door, however, and that gave her another idea.

“I’d love to have the men surprise me. Whoever comes up with the most inspiring or striking surprise will get to take me out next.” She brandished her most convincing smile since the interview had begun.

“And you’re letting one or more of them go in the next ceremony, correct?”

“I am,” Snow said. “Sad to say, I am.” That would have to be when she broke the news to Judd. After the kiss they’d shared, she suspected he thought Snow was more interested in him than she actually was.

“Can’t keep ‘em all to yourself,” Amira said with a laugh.

“No,” Snow agreed. “They’re all so amazing! They deserve to find someone too.”

Amira beamed at the camera, removing her attention from Snow entirely. “You heard it, gentlemen. Snow wants to be swept off her feet, so make sure your next gesture is romantic, heartfelt, and unforgettable. No pressure!” She laughed to punctuate the statement and then gave a few parting words before the cameraman signaled that the interview was over.

Amira stepped off the podium without a parting word. Snow wanted to follow, but Luis, the cameraman who’d given her a thumbs up, approached her before she had the chance and removed her mic.

“You’ve got guts,” he said. “I love what you just did. You just showed America’s daughters how to stand up for themselves.”

“I—wow. I was only thinking of everyone’s safety here. Have you been told of the threats?”

“I’ve heard rumors,” Luis said. “But not like that.”

To Snow’s relief, Amira returned, looking slightly frazzled, but not upset. “Me neither,” Amira said, smoothing a hand over her stomach. “I’m glad you said something.”

“I’m sorry I caught you off-guard like that,” Snow told her, gripping her hands. “I should have given you some kind of warning. I told Eloise what I planned to say—I thought she would have mentioned it to you.”

Amira nodded, tapped a finger to her ear, and Snow waited. She knew these crewmembers had to keep a tight ship to make sure things ran smoothly around here.

“It’s okay. I’ll see you the next time,” Amira said. “I can’t wait to see what the guys come up with for you!”

Snow smiled. “I can’t either.” And she couldn’t. Nothing like putting the guys on the spot like that, but really, that was what the show was all about, wasn’t it?


Snow hadn’t given the men a timeline for surprising her, but the next day, she was pleased to find a bouquet of flowers on her doorstep with a card signed by Judd.

Flowers must be his thing.

Marcos delivered her a stunning necklace and offered to take her to lunch. Carter wrote her a poem, which he hand-delivered and they walked around the hotel’s garden for about thirty minutes before he walked her back to her suite.

She was trying to decide which of them to ask out next—because both gestures were completely sweet—when another knock sounded on her door.

Snow couldn’t tamp down her smile. She fluffed her hair and opened the door to find a trail of flower petals in every shade of pink flurrying away. They settled again only to continue trailing down the entire hallway.