“Hi, Amira,” Snow said, keeping her attention on the other woman even though she sensed the camera zeroing in on her.

“You’ve been on Heartthrob’s Most Wanted for how long now?”

“It’s been almost a week.”

Amira beamed. “And this marks your third date with the handsome seven.”

“It sure does.”

“You’ve voted off Preston and Tys. That leaves you with Marcos the massage therapist, Clayton the dietician, our construction manager Eric, the bronc riding cowboy, Judd, and Carter, the software technician. Do you have any of these men in your sights? Any man you’re starting to lean toward?” Her expression shifted to coyness, to secretiveness, and she leaned toward Snow as if wanting the succulent news.

Snow hated this question. Undoubtedly, each bachelor was watching—or would be watching—and no doubt was waiting with bated breath to hear what she’d say about them.

“You went on a date recently with Judd, right?” Amira prodded when Snow didn’t respond.

“Yes. Judd took me horseback riding.”

“And? Any sparks?”

“I had a nice time with Judd, but I’m not sure he and I are a good fit,” Snow said. In all reality, she didn’t want to talk about the guys. This dangerous situation was ruining everything. This was what the show should have been about for her—selecting her Prince Charming.

Instead, she was dealing with threats.

“But I don’t want to talk about the men right now.”

“Oh, you don’t?” Amira’s face fell. “You’ve been on two dates. You only get seven in order to find your Prince Charming. That means you must be considering a life with at least one of the handsome guys vying for your attention.”

“Of course I am,” Snow said. “But it would be easier to concentrate on if I wasn’t dealing with threats.”

Amira’s smile slipped before she hitched it back into place. “What kind of threats?”

Eloise was going to throttle her after this, but Snow didn’t care. She wasn’t going to stay silent. “I’ve received several notes threatening me to leave the show. I also recently found out whoever is sending these notes is also intimidating the studio itself.”

“Oh my goodness,” Amira said, sinking back.

“Nothing has happened—yet. And we want to keep it that way. So I’m here with you because I want the world to know. We aren’t going to keep this quiet.”

Amira gaped at her. “Nor should you. I don’t blame you for having a hard time focusing on your dates.”

“And they’re extremely good-looking men, so you know that’s saying something,” Snow said with a smile. It wasn’t that she wasn’t interested in any of the men—far from it. But how could she concentrate on dating until the threats were addressed?

“Yes, they are. I wouldn’t mind some time with a few of them myself. Oh goodness, am I allowed to say that?” She laughed.

Snow could tell Amira was trying to keep things light, but levity wasn’t going to get the message across.

She turned to face the camera directly. As there were two of them, she wasn’t sure which one to focus on, so she picked the camera closest to her. “I’m telling you all this now. I won’t go down without a fight. I’m here to find true love, and I don’t appreciate coming to my room to find notes there. America isn’t going to stand for you attacking this show and these innocent people, because it’s not only me you’re targeting. So back off. We’re telling the police. We’re going public. And if you try anything, you’re going down.”

The tension in the studio was thick enough to slice. Amira gaped at Snow open-mouthed. Behind the camera, Luis gave her a thumbs up.

Snow settled herself back onto her chair. Amira’s brows popped, and she shook herself. “That’s a strong message.”

“Because I want to get my point across.”

Amira cleared her throat and found her smile again, but it was too forced to be legit. Really, Eloise should have prepped the poor woman. She’d known what Snow had been about to say. Why hadn’t she mentioned anything to Amira?

“You are extremely admirable. And getting back to the show,” she said, adding a little wobbly laugh with it. This woman hadn’t been briefed at all for how to handle this situation. Snow would have to apologize later.

“You have to decide who your third date will be. Any idea of who’s next?”