“I can’t take a break. The wedding needs to be planned. And this vampire bullshit needs to be figured out. And this weird artifact thing that no one can seem to remember needs to be… I don’t know. Found.”
“But you remember that you can’t remember it.”
His glare would have sliced right through me if it were one of Charlotte’s daggers. “Yes, genius. Exactly.”
“And the map—?”
“The map is useless.” He whipped out his phone and opened a photograph, tossing the device on the table with a loud clatter. “I can’t make heads or tails of it.”
My snort invited another deathly glare. I decided to keep my little joke to myself… for now. I could tell him later when he wasn’t in such an awful mood. “I’m sure Lottie could help.”
I blanched. “I mean,Charlotte.”
His critical gaze pierced me. Now itreallyfelt like one of those sharp weapons was barreling right toward me. Too sharp. Too narrowly close to plunging right into my heart. My alpha could always read me like a damn book. Why would I ever bother withholding information from him?
Still, it was worth a try.
Until it wasn’t.
Avoiding his gaze cost me more energy than a night of drinking. “Sorry. I slipped.”
“Into a mess.”
“You have no room to speak, Donnie.”
Irritation flashed over his features. “You’re getting really cozy with her.”
“One night of help and the whole pack raises their torches about it.Great.”
“You can’t lose your focus.”
I pushed away from the table. “It’s not your problem, Donnie. It’s my problem. And besides, there isn’t even aproblemat all.”
“So, why are we arguing?”
“I don’t know. Because you’re stressed? And because that makes me stressed?” Exasperation made me gasp for air. “Fuck, dude. This whole war bullshit has been making me crawl in my damn skin. When can we ever get a good night’s sleep?Ever?”
Compassion trickled into his features, taking over completely as he rose from his seat and approached me. The moment his hands were on my shoulders, a spirited calm swept through my body, soothing my inner wolf. Christ, I hadn’t even realized he was yapping up a storm in there. Emotions like that hardly ever made sense to me.
But with my alpha, they didn’t have to make sense. His presence alone put me at ease, reminding me that I was always safe with him. Anyone outside of a pack wouldn’t understand the effect he had on me. I would go to hell and back, extend myself beyond my limits, and push every physical boundary of existence just to defend this man.
Without him, nothing would matter. My very existence on this planet wouldn’t have a purpose. It was how I felt about my son, too, our unique bond keeping us cemented. Not just by blood. But by fate.
These were the strings of the universe circling between us. Whatever we had to do to move forward would come to us as easily as the stream flowing through the forest. Twists and turns didn’t matter. Boulders wouldn’t prevent our procession. We would overcome whatever obstacle was necessary.
All this translated in his embrace.
“Fuck,” I groaned while burrowing into his chest. “Sorry…”
“You’re upset.”
I nodded.
“You haven’t been sleeping, have you?”
I shook my head.