“Is it Charlotte?”
No, that wasn’tthereason. But that was a reason. “No.”
“You're lying to me, Adam.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Why would Iwantto talk about it? We fucked in her office. That was it. Plain and simple. We agreed it was nothing more than two wolves enjoying each other after a hearty meal. Or had we fucked before the meal?
It didn’t matter.
“Whatever you’re going through,” Donovan reassured me, “you’re not alone. I’m always here. I’m your alpha.”
“Yes, boss.”
He groaned and then stepped back, poking my forehead affectionately as any brother might do to his younger sibling. It was aggravating. But it was also affirming his love for me. “That big, dumb brain is going to get you into trouble one of these days.”
“My big,brilliantbrain is what helps you develop your plans.” I tapped the pages on the table. “Let’s try to put our noggins together on this one.”
Deliberating over the research took up the rest of the afternoon. When Donovan’s phone rang, we ignored it, choosing to focus on the materials discovered from the crypt. Which weren’t much. An artifact and a mural—or a map. Whatever the hell it was, it didn’t make any sense.
Donovan’s phone rang again.
“Gods be damned,” he groaned while snatching it up. An adoring smile replaced his scowl as he answered the call. “Hi, precious.”
Sasha’s voice sounded small while she spoke to Donovan. The more she said, the more serious his features became. He focused on me and then nodded, “Yes, darling. I’ll be right there.”
As soon as he hung up, I didn’t need instructions. I gathered the research materials, shoved them into the appropriate folders, and tucked them under my arm as I darted toward the door with my alpha.
Trouble was brewing at Sunrise Mill Inn. I could feel it.
When my alpha and I arrived on the scene, the tavern was a mess. A group of wolves reacted to the jeers of a few vampires, getting into the kind of fight that had knocked over tables and scared off most of the clientele. Sasha was so red in the face that I thought she would blow a fuse while she verbally chewed out every participant in the fight.
Though I found myself amused, I exchanged a concerned look with my alpha.
“This doesn’t look good,” I whispered to him. “Your neutral ground just got a lot less neutral.”
“She mentioned something like this almost happened the other night.”
My eyes widened, but I made no mention of Charlotte. “I must have missed it.”
“Yeah, especially if you were doing…” He raised one eyebrow in my direction. “Research.”
“Shut up, Donnie.”
He elbowed me before approaching the counter where the wolves and vampires were sitting like teenagers who had been called into the principal’s office. To say it was embarrassing for all of us was an understatement. The tension in the air resembled the steamy disappointment hanging in a locker room after a completely botched football game.
My spirit perked up when I spotted Charlotte behind the bar. Her tiny stature and slim figure made her look non-threatening, but one look from her directed at one of the wolves made him cower. Her satisfied grin lit up the whole room. I would have been proud if she had been mine.
You know, that is possible. I choked on a laugh. Several pairs of eyes turned in my direction. I waved off the attention and coughed a few times.Fuck me, this is unnerving. I need air.
More heat billowed at my back as I made my exit. The hallway was safe, cold, and quiet. I closed my eyes and leaned against the tavern door, feeling its sturdy wooden design cutting into my upper back. It didn’t matter how uncomfortable it got. It was better than standing in a room while Sasha chided literally everybody.
I didn’t want to be next.
“It’s weird in there, eh?”